Calling all Developers: Complete the 2024 Cardano Developer Ecosystem Survey

Help Shape the Future of Cardano! Complete the 2024 Developer Ecosystem Survey Today

The Cardano blockchain has thrived because of its robust and diverse community. Over the past years, multiple reports show Cardano’s development activity surged outpacing other popular blockchains. This can only suggest a project that’s continuing to build and innovate, laying the groundwork for future success.

Whether you’re a seasoned develoepr or just starting to explore the ecosystem, your insights are critical to Cardano’s continuous evolution. The 2024 State of the Cardano Developer Ecosystem Survey is now open, and your feedback matters.

Why This Survey Matters

The Cardano ecosystem is more than just technology—it’s a community built by the collaboration of developers, innovators, educators, and users across the globe. Every year, this survey offers a snapshot of the current state of the development ecosystem. More importantly, it identifies areas where improvement is needed. The 2022 and 2023 editions highlighted challenges in areas like tooling, documentation, and open-source contributions. Based on those results, Cardano has made several key improvements, including expanding its open-source repositories and refining its developer tools.

Quoting the Cardano Foundation, “The Cardano developer community has an ongoing commitment to innovation and a willingness to share knowledge, nurturing a thriving ecosystem. To ensure such continual progress as well as a more secure and resilient blockchain network, developers require optimal tooling and information to identify problems and build robust solutions. Therefore, the Cardano Foundation proudly announces the third annual State of the Cardano Developer Ecosystem Survey.

Your Feedback Drives Real Change

By taking part in the survey, you’re not just answering questions—you’re helping to shape the future of Cardano. Here’s why your participation is essential:

  1. Tooling Improvements: Developers highlighted a need for better development tools and libraries in previous surveys. As a result, the Cardano Foundation expanded its efforts in supporting new tools and updating existing ones. This year, you have the chance to weigh in on the tools you use and the ones you wish existed.
  2. Open Source Maturity: One of the key takeaways from last year’s survey was the growing importance of open-source projects in the Cardano ecosystem. In response, Cardano has committed to releasing more open-source repositories, allowing the community to directly contribute and build innovative solutions.
  3. Addressing Pain Points: The survey acts as a forum for developers to report any obstacles they face, such as performance issues, integration problems, or documentation gaps. The feedback from these areas helps the Cardano Foundation and other ecosystem leaders prioritize where to invest their resources.

What’s New in 2024?

The 2024 Developer Ecosystem Survey builds upon previous iterations with a deeper dive into the technical landscape of Cardano. It includes questions that assess the tools developers are using, the specific programming languages they prefer, and what aspects of the Cardano ecosystem could use refinement. Importantly, it also asks developers to share their perspectives on where they see potential and where they experience bottlenecks.

With the rise of smart contracts and the growth of Cardano’s decentralized finance (DeFi) space, it’s crucial to get your input. How are the current tools for Plutus and Marlowe performing? Do you find the documentation comprehensive enough? Are there specific features you would like to see added to Cardano’s developer stack? Your answers will provide a roadmap for future updates.

Why You Should Participate

Here’s what makes this survey different from others: it is not just a one-way street. The Cardano Foundation publishes the full results, making the data open-source for the entire community to see and use. Both the report and the code for rendering it are open source so that anyone can examine the results, filter them according to different parameters, and reach their own conclusions. A dedicated GitHub discussion board keeps the debate going. This transparency ensures that everyone—from individual developers to enterprises building on Cardano—can access valuable insights and contribute to solutions.

According to the Cardano Foundation, the aim is to continue nurturing open source development by using and sharing of open source repositories. This annual survey aids in optimizing the direction and priorities of such efforts. Similarly, it contributes to more informed decisions of where to focus programming resources within the Foundation and, perhaps, amongst other ecosystem players as well.

The 2024 survey runs for two weeks starting 4 October to 18 October, and only takes 10-15 minutes to complete. In that short time, you’ll be directly influencing decisions that will affect the entire developer community. The results will guide decisions on future tooling, educational resources, and development support, helping to ensure the ecosystem continues to grow in the right direction.

The Bigger Picture: Building a Stronger Cardano

Your feedback not only benefits developers but also strengthens Cardano’s position as a sustainable, open-source blockchain. With the increasing focus on enterprise adoption and DeFi capabilities, the survey will help identify opportunities to expand Cardano’s functionality to meet broader needs. An ecosystem that works better for developers ultimately results in a more secure, scalable, and accessible blockchain for everyone.

Your voice is key to driving Cardano forward! Take the survey, share your thoughts, and help us make Cardano the best it can be for developers like you.

Take the 2024 Cardano Developer Ecosystem Survey.

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