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Community Column
193 posts
Cardano’s Protectionism
Protectionism is usually a bad word around libertarian circles, which advocate for free trade. However, protectionism was a…
Why Governance on Cardano Will Fail
Disclaimer: The following is an opinion article with the goal of shining a light on the current governance…
Blockchain’s Potential to Unite People
The horseshoe effect or theory describes the resemblances that far-right and far-left ideologies have on the political spectrum.…
Star Forge: True Embodiment of Decentralization
Star Forge, ticker OTG, is a stake pool of Cardano registered on the blockchain on January 14th, 2021…
Voltaire Pushes Cardano Forward
Over the past six months, more than 50 community workshops were held around the world, culminating in a…
Introducing FiDa: Collateral-Based Insurance on Cardano
Applicant: Rodolfo Hansen Additional members: Andrew Bowness Funds Requested: 500,000 Open Source? Yes TLDR The project aims to…
Oxen: Private Coin, Private Network, Private Apps
Oxen is a layer one blockchain which was forked from Monero, originally called Loki. Making it a privacy…
The Importance of Record Keeping
According to Cambridge dictionary, record keeping is “the activity of organizing and storing all the documents, files, invoices,…
The Basics of Cryptoeconomics. Its History and Origin.
If you think that the crypto space is recent and started with Bitcoin, you are missing part of…
The Dangers of Gamification in Crypto
You might have heard the term gamification before, but what is it exactly? According to wikipedia gamification is…