Integrating Cardano into the Infinity Wallet and Web3 Browser

Ever since it’s inception, blockchain technology has shown great transformative potential across different industries and fields. And as it’s adoption grows, both new and experienced users face a number of challenges that hinder them from making the best out of this technology. While not limited to Cardano, one of the major challenges is a complex user experience especially for users who are less tech-savvy. Usability challenges associated with poor user flows, less-intuitive interfaces, and a steep learning curve all slow down adoption.

Another challenge is limited in-platform features that make users resort to using different platforms to access the features they’d like is not time and cost-efficient. Additionally, limitations associated with cross-chain interoperability requiring users to leverage multiple wallets and services to enjoy a multi-chain experience is not ideal.

The Infinity team is looking to solve some of these challenges, expand the reach of Cardano, and enhance its adoption by integrating Cardano and it’s ecosystem into the Infinity wallet and web3 browser. This article explores how the Infinity team is planning to do it and the value proposition for the Cardano community. But first, lets’ understand what exactly the Infinity wallet is and why users should care about it.

Overview of the Infinity Wallet

The Infinity Wallet is a decentralized, all-in-one, non-custodial wallet and Web3 browser that provides a one-stop solution for all user’s decentralized needs. According to the team, Infinity aims to revolutionize the way users interact with the decentralized space, empowering them to take ownership of their digital assets and data. It focuses on improving user experience by delivering a wide range of solutions for anyone looking to explore the world of Web3, DeFi, NFTs, or cross-border payments. This makes it an ideal one-stop hub for all the needs of users across the crypto ecosystem.

Designed as a stand alone application, Infinity users and developers get easy access to Web3 and DApps, via the Web3 browser and DApps store. Since launching in 2020, the platform has over 2,500,00 wallets created. This number is quickly growing, with over 7,300 users signing up for the platform every month. Additionally, Infinity sees around 53,000 active users every month (users that transact, excludes users that only access the wallet).

Quoting the Infinity team, “We’re dedicated to enhancing the user experience, making the decentralized world more accessible for both novice and seasoned users alike. Our focus is on breaking down current barriers, offering an intuitive & complete one-stop in-wallet experience with a high quality premium user interface. Acting as a comprehensive hub and seamless multi-chain wallet solution, our aim is to streamline the onboarding process into the decentralized space and Web3, replicating the quality and ease of use found in Web2 platforms, while ensuring all user needs are met within a single user focused platform

Exploring the Features and Services Offered by Infinity

The Infinity wallet offers a comprehensive set of features that cater for users of all types. These include:

  1. Portfolio and Analytics Monitoring/Dashboard – A dashboard that let’s you keep track of your crypto holdings and monitor their performance through a comprehensive portfolio dashboard. You can also access analytics and insights to make informed investment decisions.
  2. One-Stop Wallet Management – The Infinity Wallet provides a seamless user experience for managing multiple cryptocurrencies. You can easily switch between different wallets and chains.
  3. Cross-Chain Swap & Bridge – Swap or bridge your assets across multiple supported blockchains or networks
  4. NFT Support and Gallery – Infinity let’s you manage your NFTs within the wallet such that you can view, send, receive, and trade non-fungible tokens effortlessly.
  5. Fiat On/Off Ramp – This feature let’s users to easily onboard into the crypto world using fiat currency. You can directly convert fiat to supported cryptocurrencies within the wallet.
  6. Desktop Web3 Browser – Infiinity allows you to connect and transact with Web3 decentralized applications (DApps) directly from your desktop. There’s no need for browser extensions as Infinity Wallet offers a standalone Web3 browser.
  7. Web3 DApp Store – In the Infinity web3 DApp store, you can discover, adopt, and use various DApps within the Infinity Wallet ecosystem. It let’s you explore decentralized applications across different chains.
  8. Complete Transaction History – Infinity let’s you track all your transaction types, including DApp interactions. This way, you’re able to resolve any issues related to transactions and monitor your balances.
  9. Custom Token Importing – With this feature, you can import any token onto any supported blockchain. It also let’s you customize your wallet with the tokens you want.
  10. Social Wallet Account Abstraction – You can use your social credentials to create a wallet in a single-click. This quick sign up service simplifies adoption for regular users.
  11. Wallet Connect Support – Interact with DApps securely across different platforms by simply connecting your wallet.
  12. Desktop QR Scanner – Use Infinity wallet to scan QR codes for payment requests, merchant transactions, and wallet connections.

                In addition to these features, Infinity offers live support and assistance to users who need assistance in real-time. This significantly improves the user experience.

                Bringing Cardano to Infinity: Is it Worth It?

                By integrating Cardano and it’s ecosystem to Infinity, the project will:

                • Provide a unique and complete one-stop native desktop wallet in the Cardano ecosystem to tap into an unserved user base. Delivering a user first approach with a premium experience, from high quality UI, all-in-one one-stop experience (multiple platforms, features & services in a single platform), and multiple UX enhancements, required for mass adoption by less tech-savvy users on desktop and soon coming to mobile.
                • EnhanceWeb3 adoption and use on desktop via the first native desktop Web3 browser and DApp store. The project will improve the experience of desktop users who are limited to using solutions that could be unintuitive and feature-limited. Providing a simpler, easy to use medium to access Web3 and discover DApps across multiple chains is the way to go.
                • Enable access to a platform that is actively solving issues within the blockchain space. Such as, the need to learn and use multiple platforms for each chain, lack of live user DeFi and Web3 support to help users learn and onboard, lack of limited in-wallet features/services with no complete one-stop wallet solution (limiting the user experience, along with user accessibility/usage), limited wallet solution types (mainly limited to seed phrase wallets), gas requirements (requiring a chain’s token to pay a fee rather than paying in the token transacting with), high swap as well as on/off-boarding fees, and outdated user interfaces with limited functionality. While focusing on the current existing crypto community, we also need to continue onboarding the masses of less technical end users and providing unique and innovative solutions to their needs.
                • Enable easier discoverability and accessibility of offerings within the ecosystem (DApps, Tokens and other services), while increasing/simplifying adoption through the Infinity Wallet and Web3 Browser.
                • Meet the high demand of user requests for us to integrate and expand the Cardano ecosystem.
                • Gain a valuable new ecosystem participant/partner that looks to heavily invest and provide/contribute on an ongoing basis to Cardano and its ecosystem for years to come, from new developments, features/services, partnerships and driving adoption.

                Project Roadmap and Budget

                According to the Infinity team, Cardano will be live on the wallet and all supported features in the project within five months of funding. To achieve this, the team requested a total funding of 238,400 ADA and is looking for community support in order to bring this project to life. These funds will cater for the project development costs for five months until the release date, as per these milestones:

                MilestoneBudget Deliverables
                Milestone 1$31,200– Integrate core Cardano wallet functionalities (store, send, receive, backup, etc.
                – Complete transaction history with type identification
                – DApp transaction resolver
                – Support for Cardano tokens
                – Portfolio analytics and tracking
                – Swap & Bridge support
                – Buy/Sell functionality
                Milestone 2$42,0000– Web3 Browser and connector integration
                – Web3 DApp store for Cardano projects
                – WalletConnect integration
                Milestone 3$31,200– NFT support (gallery, individual viewing, send/receive, buy/sell)
                – Social wallet account abstraction (one-click social login)
                – Integration into secondary features
                – Internal testing and auditing
                Final Milestone– Live release on Windows, Mac, and Linux
                – In-wallet release and notifications
                – Social announcements
                – Native default support for new users
                – Newsletter, articles, and custom web page
                – Collaboration with Cardano tokens and DApp developers

                The Infinity Team

                The Infinity Wallet team and project was founded in 2019 and the platform was launched in 2020. Since inception, they’ve continued to operate as a free to use platform that is completely self-funded, without ever raising outside investment as a self established platform. Team members have between 5-10+ years of experience within the space (as investors, miners, developers and marketers) and a general background in software development and UI/UX with between 5-20 years experience each. The team comprises of:

                • Aaron, Team lead – A background in software development and UI/UX design, with a scholarship for a Google nanodegree and masters in computer science. Has over 11 years of experience in the crypto space as a user, investor and developer.
                • Kyan, Operations lead – A background in computer science and finances, with a masters degree in computer science. Kyan has close to 8 years of experience in the crypto space as a user and investor.
                • Juan, Tech lead – A background in software development and hardware, with a masters degree in computer science. Juan has over 10 years of experience in the crypto space as a user, miner and developer.
                • Ricardo, Marketing lead– A background in business development and marketing, with a masters degree in marketing. Ricardo has just over 3 years of experience in the crypto space primarily as a user, despite his relatively short time in the space he compensates this with a wealth of expertise garnered from his entrepreneurial journey. As a self-made entrepreneur, Ricardo has masterfully cultivated numerous prosperous ventures over the years, showcasing his prowess in marketing and business.

                Since 2020, this team has been working to improve the Infinity platform and has collaborated with market leaders (chains, DApps, tokens and services), while supporting hundreds of thousands of wallet users.

                Final Thoughts: Enabling a Decentralized Future

                By providing users with a more curated in-platform experience that serves a one-stop hub,
                and continually expanding these features and services to meet users’ needs, Infinity has positioned itself as a key driver in enabling decentralization and web3 adoption. The Cardano community can take advantage of the already existing user base, features, and offerings to enhance user experience and increase adoption.

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