Securing Forensic Chain of Custody for Indian State Govt Using Cardano and Zero-Knowledge Proofs

In India, police forensic departments face significant challenges in maintaining the security and integrity of the evidence chain of custody. This process is crucial in ensuring that the evidence presented in court remains authentic—identical to the evidence seized at the crime scene. Proper chain of custody assures the court that the evidence has been continuously under the control of authorized personnel without the risk of tampering.

However, current systems are inadequate in safeguarding the evidence trail, which raises concerns about the integrity of forensic data. These weaknesses can undermine the reliability of evidence in legal proceedings, potentially influencing the outcomes of important cases.

To address these challenges, Quixy has partnered with the Government of Uttar Pradesh (UP), India, to co-develop a forensic management system. This project aims to integrate Cardano’s blockchain technology to enhance data integrity within this system.

Why Cardano?

The forensic management system developed by Trivolve and Quixy tracks each piece of evidence with a unique ID that connects to previous identifiers, ensuring a transparent chain of custody. However, the system’s centralized architecture poses risks, such as unauthorized access or tampering, which could jeopardize the credibility of evidence in court.

To mitigate these risks, Trivolve and Quixy will integrate Cardano’s blockchain and smart contracts to securely log the chain of custody, ensuring that the entire process remains immutable and tamper-proof.

Proposed Solution: Cardano Blockchain Integration and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP)

Trivolve and Quixy will use Cardano’s blockchain and Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) to secure the chain of custody by following these key steps:

  1. Hash Generation: At the time of evidence logging, a SHA-256 hash will be generated for the Case ID and all aliases/subaliases linked to that case. This encapsulates the data securely.
  2. Blockchain Stamping with ZKP: The SHA-256 hash and a Zero-Knowledge Proof public key will be stamped onto the Cardano blockchain, ensuring that the hash corresponds to the original identifiers without exposing sensitive information. Any tampering would result in a hash mismatch, easily detected through ZKP verification.
  3. Smart Contract for Traceability: A smart contract will maintain a central registry of all cases, tracking updates to the hashes and associated data. It will also manage access permissions, ensuring only authorized parties can modify or view the data, thereby preserving the integrity of the evidence trail.

By integrating these security layers, Trivolve’s approach significantly strengthens the reliability of forensic data and enhances the defensibility of evidence in legal proceedings. An estimated one million cases per year will be handled, each representing a transaction on the Cardano blockchain for data integrity checks. The success of this project will further demonstrate the utility of Cardano’s blockchain in real-world government applications, particularly in the sensitive domain of forensic evidence management. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Showcasing utility: Applying Cardano to forensic management highlights its ability to provide secure, scalable solutions.
  • Expanding adoption: Integrating Cardano into a state-level government process enhances network activity and adoption. A national rollout could exponentially increase Cardano’s utility.
  • Promoting innovation: This project fosters collaboration between the Cardano community, the government, and private enterprises, encouraging further development of smart contract applications.

    Upon successful implementation, the aim is to expand the blockchain-based forensic management system to all 28 states and 8 union territories of India. This would greatly increase Cardano’s user base and demonstrate the technology’s potential in improving government processes at scale.

    Project Milestones, Roadmap and Funding

    MilestoneOutputsAcceptance CriteriaEvidence of Completion
    1: Project Kickoff & Initial MarketingProject plan, initial marketing campaign launchDocumented plan, measurable engagement across media platformsDocumented project plan, marketing campaign report
    2: System Architecture DesignBackend and smart contract architecture, user flow diagramsCompletion of technical documentation and validation of user flowFinalized system architecture and flow diagrams
    3: Prototype DevelopmentFunctional prototype integrating Cardano blockchainPrototype meets functional requirements, successful demoRecorded demo, on-chain testnet transactions
    4: Pilot TestingPilot system with 10 dummy casesSystem passes tests without failures, positive feedback from pilotPilot testing report, feedback compilation
    5: Secondary Marketing & User FeedbackSecondary marketing campaign, system improvements based on feedbackHigh engagement in marketing, successful implementation of improvementsMarketing campaign report, feedback reports, documentation of updates
    6: Project ClosureProject closure documentation, project closure videoStakeholder-approved closure document, effective project videoFinal closure document, published video

    To achieve each of the milestones and deliverables set out above, the project will require the following funding, as requested in their Fund 12 proposal and backed by the Cardano community.

    MilestoneBudget (ADA)Cost Breakdown
    1: Project Kickoff & Initial Marketing50,000Project management: 15,000 ADA, Initial marketing: 35,000 ADA
    2: System Architecture Design100,000Architecture planning: 40,000 ADA, Backend development: 60,000 ADA
    3: Prototype Development150,000System prototype: 130,000 ADA, Initial testing: 20,000 ADA
    4: Pilot Testing80,000Pilot testing: 50,000 ADA, Evaluation and QA: 30,000 ADA
    5: Secondary Marketing & User Feedback50,000Marketing campaigns: 30,000 ADA, Feedback implementation: 20,000 ADA
    6: Project Closure120,000Final documentation: 40,000 ADA, Closure video: 80,000 ADA

    Putting it all together

    The collaboration between Trivolve, Quixy, and Cardano offers a secure solution to the challenges of managing forensic evidence in India. By ensuring the integrity of the chain of custody, this project not only enhances legal processes but also establishes Cardano as a viable platform for critical governmental applications. A successful implementation in Uttar Pradesh could lead to nationwide adoption, significantly expanding Cardano’s presence and influence.

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