Practical Uses of Web3 You Can Start Using Now

Remember when the internet was something you had to log on to? That’s like decades ago, I’m talking about the days of dial-up, when you’d hear that whistling connection sound and your whole family couldn’t use the phone while you were online.

Back then, the internet was mostly a place to browse a few clumsy websites, send basic emails, and if you were lucky, chat on AOL Instant Messenger. That was the days of Web1 called the read-only era. You were basically a spectator.

3 Key Takeaways

  • Unlike Web2, where big companies own your data and content, Web3 is all about decentralization where you own your stuff, from money to digital assets.
  • From decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs to play-to-earn games and decentralized social networks, Web3 offers practical tools you can start using today.
  • Web3 is built on the community-driven spirit of Web2 but removes the need for middlemen, creating a more open, user-owned internet that’s ready to transform how we live, play, and connect.

Fast forward a few years, and we hit Web2, the world we’ve been living in for the past 15-ish years. This was the social internet. Suddenly, we weren’t just browsing anymore, we were posting, commenting, sharing photos, liking posts on social platforms. It’s the web where you became a creator, not just a consumer.

But here’s the catch, while Web2 let us create and connect like never before, big companies took over the show. They got all your data, used it to sell ads, and made billions while you gave them free content. You know those times when you googled something like best pizza near me and then pizza ads followed you around the internet for a week? That’s Web2 in a nutshell.

Now, welcome to Web3, the next big leap. It’s like the internet decided to grow up and say wait, why are a few mega-corporations holding all the power? What if we could own the internet together? That’s the big idea behind Web3 called decentralization.

How Web3 is Used in the Real World

What does Web3 actually look like in the real world? It’s not just tech talk anymore, there are practical, I mean everyday applications you can start using right now ranging from decentralized finance (DeFi) and NFTs, to earning while you play games and using social networks that don’t spy on you. Below are the practical ways you can dive into Web3 right now, even if you’re not a tech expert.

Decentralized Social Networks

Many people are tired of being bombarded with ads on Facebook and having their data sold without their permission. Web3 is stepping in with decentralized social networks where you truly own your content and data.

AdaLink: Serves as a blockchain-powered Affiliate Network, built on the Cardano ecosystem. Their system simplifies partnership coordination, linking Cardano’s stake pool operators and enterprises with content creators, influencers, NFT originators, and media outlets.

There’s an ongoing contest where you can win some $ADA as a reward. They are allocating 61,000 ADA in rewards and prizes for Frenchies Club members. Go ahead and read more about the contest.

Play-to-Earn (P2E) Games

I know you thought your gaming days were just for fun or maybe a bit of stress relief? In Web3, your gaming skills can literally pay the bills, it’s a reality. These games are called Play-to-Earn (P2E) games, and they reward you with tokens or NFTs that can be sold for real money.

Blockchain games aren’t just about escapism, they’re your new side hustle. Every quest, every battle, every virtual sweat you break could be turning into cryptocurrency or unique digital assets that others might want to get their hands on.

CyberVerse: Is a free-to-play, pixel-style MMORPG that’s currently in beta on the Cardano blockchain. In this game, you can explore the city of Cyberia, dive into mini-games, and earn CYPX tokens along the way. The activities are pretty fun too, you can DJ, race cars, or even try your hand at gardening. Plus, there are daily rewards, quests to complete, and the chance to level up your character.


One of the coolest parts? You can customize your very own NFT apartment. The game also features global chat, leaderboards, loot boxes, and a multiplayer mode so you can team up with other players and enjoy the experience together. There’s a lot to do, and it’s packed with tons of ways to keep you entertained.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

If you’re tired of traditional banking, you’ll love what DeFi has to offer. Web3 is opening up a whole new world where you can manage your money without needing a bank as the middleman.

How you can start using DeFi:

  • Lend or Borrow Money: Instead of going to a bank for a loan, you can use platforms like Lenfi to lend or borrow cryptocurrencies. You set your own terms, and the smart contracts (basically, self-executing contracts) handle the rest. No need to fill out tons of paperwork.
  • Earn Interest: You can also earn interest by staking your crypto. That just means locking up your coins for a while in exchange for a reward, kinda like a savings account, but often with higher returns.
  • Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs): High fees and limitations on traditional crypto exchanges can be so frustrating. Check out DexHunter, these platforms let you trade crypto directly with other users, without needing a company in the middle. It’s all peer-to-peer and fully decentralized.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFTs get a lot of hype, especially when it comes to digital art. But there’s so much more to them than just owning a cool picture of a cat or some pixelated dude. NFTs have real, everyday uses you can jump into right now.

NFTs are being used for tickets to concerts, sports events, and even conferences. These NFT tickets are unique and tamper-proof. Beyond art, NFTs are being used for things like memberships to exclusive communities. For instance, owning a certain NFT might give you access to VIP content, private chat rooms, or even real-world events.

If you’re into NFTs, gaming or virtual worlds, jpgstoreNFT is where Web3 gets super interesting. Who knows? Maybe you’ll build the next hot spot in the metaverse.

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

DAOs are like online clubs with no leader. Instead of one person or company making decisions, everyone who joins the DAO gets a say. You can think of it like being part of a co-operation, but on the blockchain.

  • Investment DAOs: Groups of people pool their money together to invest in startups or projects. It’s a great way to participate in investments without needing tons of capital.
  • Charity DAOs: There are DAOs focused on supporting charitable causes, where members decide which projects or organizations to donate to.

One example is Intersect, which is a member-based organization for the Cardano ecosystem. Shaping the future of Cardano through open development, and supporting on-chain governance.

Decentralized Cloud Storage

Storing files on Google Drive or Dropbox is convenient, but you’re still relying on a big company to keep your data safe. With Web3, you can store your files in a decentralized way, meaning your data is spread across multiple servers, and no single entity can control or access it without your permission.

IAGON is a super cool open-source platform that lets you tap into the storage and processing power of a bunch of computers on a decentralized blockchain grid. Whether you’re dealing with massive data files or smaller ones, IAGON has you covered.


It’s perfect for running complex tasks like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) operations, all while keeping everything fully secure and encrypted. The best part? It blends blockchain, cryptography, and AI tech in a way that’s easy for anyone to use.

Profila is like having the ultimate control over your data, and actually getting rewarded for it. Instead of letting companies snoop around and grab your info without you even noticing, Profila skims the script. It lets you decide what personal data you want to share with brands, and in return, you get something back. We’re talking about exclusive perks, think special offers, discounts, or content that’s tailored just for you.


Web3 isn’t just some future concept, it’s happening right now, and you can start using it today. Whether you’re into finance, gaming, social media, or just looking for more control over your data, Web3 has something for you in the Cardano ecosystem.

The best part? You don’t need to be a tech genius or a crypto expert. A lot of these tools and platforms are designed for everyday people like you and me. So why not take the plunge? The Web3 world is ready when you are.

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