AdaPulse Independent Media Outlet

If you are interested in education about the crypto industry, and in particular the evolution of the Cardano ecosystem, is your information site. AdaPulse, The Heartbeat of Cardano.

Nelson Mandela said in a speech in South Africa, July 16, 2003: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” and regarding changing the world, Charles Hoskinson once said: “We’re Cardano, and if you’ll permit us, we’d like to change the world.”

The dissemination of content is essential for the growth of a community. With that idea, AdaPulse was born in March 2021. It was founded by two Stakepool Operators, who have been part of the Cardano community since 2017, Jeff from Stakepool SWAG and Genzod from Stakepool ZOD.

I am LiberLion, a writer, and I have been a member of AdaPulse since July 2021. It is an honor to be part of a professional group with human warmth. I have almost daily contact with Jeff, and I can say that he is a worthy member of the community, with the Cardano philosophy, a responsible, respectful and dedicated person, who those who know him, either through interviews or through his activity in Twitter, surely will share my appreciation towards him.

The seven-member team has published over 200 articles covering a variety of Cardano-related topics.

AdaPulse publishes the material in English, and has automatic translations into German, French, Dutch, Japanese, and Spanish.

At the beginning of this year, the YouTube channel AdaPulse, in which content is developed in audiovisual format, for a certain segment of the audience that prefers it, expanding the information platform. The channel currently has more than 350 subscribers and more than 30 videos.

AdaPulse is an independent medium created from members of the community. The idea is to promote an informed and engaged community, and this leads to sound decision-making, while moving down the path of decentralized governance. AdaPulse’s independent and objective media coverage of updates, projects and news within the Cardano ecosystem is paramount.

As Cardano continues to grow, building pillars will need to start to discuss all issues outside of the current institutions, for example the Cardano Foundation and Input Output Global.

Adapulse seeks to help everyone who is interested in understanding the concepts of Cardano to participate in the ecosystem, and that each person can do it at their own pace.

The work culture at AdaPulse allows creators to generate content in a way that does not limit or restrict their message, with a focus on objective analysis. This has been a winning recipe for the growth of the platform in this year and a half, while along the way organically expanding the audience

Since its inception, AdaPulse has averaged 20,000 monthly unique visitors, with little to no advertising outside of a Twitter profile, and posts on Facebook and Reddit.

We have published articles highlighting community projects and proposals that gained social traction, such as the West African Decentralized Alliance (WADA), PlayerMint, NFTMaker, Empowa, Dandelion API, and many more.

AdaPulse submitted an initial proposal to Fund8, without reaching the voting threshold to receive funding.

The Roadmap

The standard that the founders set was to publish more than 200 articles in the last 12 months.

If funded, it will allow the team to publish over 250 articles over the course of 12 months, which breaks down to approximately 5 articles per week.

At the end of the week, this content will be consolidated into a weekly newsletter.

In addition, the founders want to cover the largest number of proposals in Project Catalyst, which will have rounds every 60-90 days, approximately 5 funding rounds in the next 12 months. The goal is to publish 30 Catalyst proposals in each round, adding another 150 items in a year, making it easier for voters to understand.

In this way, the total goal is to generate more than 400 pieces of content in the next 12 months, between the articles focused on the Cardano ecosystem and the Catalyst proposals.

Success would also be defined by the growth of our audience. AdaPulse’s website has an average of 20,000 unique readers per month, as well as an average of 150 views for each video uploaded on YouTube. Expand the reach, doubling the audience over the next 12 months.

Metrics to track progress:

  • Weekly newsletter containing at least 4 pieces of content/news articles
  • 30 submissions in each Project Catalyst AdaPulse funding round
  • 2 new videos, posted per week on AdaPulseNews on Youtube
  • 100% more viewership over time 12 months (from 20,000 unique monthly readers to 40,000)

The Budget

Funding from this proposal will support AdaPulse’s business model, providing funding for operations over the next 12 months. 

Incentives must be commensurate with production. Achieving this balance will imply an increase in the number of publications offered, for a considerable growth of the platform, and it would also reduce the exposure to the turnover of team members.

It will also support the addition of additional talent.

For the past year, AdaPulse has been self-funded. Participation in Project Catalyst was chosen to obtain the funds that guarantee the same values ​​of independence in the publication of content. The founders consider that financing through investors, or any other external source, could condition the objectivity of the articles, generating a conflict of interest. The impartiality of the content is the main basic idea to provide the community with information without distortions.

Therefore, AdaPulse is likely to submit proposals in future rounds, to solicit the support of the community, to continue funding the efforts to turn the platform into an independent pillar of objective and accurate information of the Cardano ecosystem.

Daily news or content: 8 hours

  • Article research: 4 hours
  • Content writing and editing: 2-3 hours Content
  • coordination/publishing: 1-2 hours

Project Catalyst proposals: 15 hours

  • Research (team/CEO/developer interviews): 10 hours
  • Content Writing & Editing: 2.5 hours Content
  • Coordination/Publishing: 2.5 hours

Graphic Design (Articles, Catalyst Proposals, Social Media): 4-8 hours

In the US, content writers average $15-40 per hour, technical writers average $15-60 per hour, and graphic design artists $15-35 per hour.

The budget breakdown:

  • $25 x 8 hrs = $200 per piece of content x 364 pieces + newsletters = $72,800
  • $40 x 15 hrs = $600 per Catalyst proposal x 150 Catalyst proposals = $90,000
  • $30 x 8 hrs = $240 USD per chart x Rolling Deck of 250 charts = $60,000

Total Funding Request: $222,800.

The Team

  1. Jeff — co-funder – Stakepool SWAG: Twitter- Website
  2. Genzod — co-funder – Stakepool ZOD: Twitter
  3. Josh — video producer/presenter – ATM Stakepool: Twitter- _ Website
  4. Liberlion — Technical Writer: Twitter- Website
  5. Flantoshi — Technical Writer: TwitterMedium
  6. TravelerJo — Columnist: Twitter
  7. Amanda — Graphic Artist

Future additions to the team are planned: graphic artist, technical writers, daily columnists.


YouTube Channel: AdaPulse

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You can read the original proposal at Catalyst: AdaPulse Independent Media Outlet

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