dcSpark’s Proposal to Build a Basic Plutus Voting Dapp for DAO’s and Decision Making
Voting is an essential primitive required by many dapp protocols. Many Decentralized Autonomous Organisations (DAOs), DeFi dapps and…
dcSpark to Develop Cardano Omnibus for UTxO Management
UTxO management in Cardano is handled sub-optimally by wallets, dapps and exchanges, which causes downtime, higher fees and…
Djed: An Algorithmic Stablecoin on Cardano
Djed is the first stablecoin to use formal verification to remove price volatility. Cryptocurrency volatility is a large…
Cardano 360 November Recap: Never Stop Building
Another month of hard work in the books. This month in Cardano 360 the team covers parameters changes…
SundaeSwap: Concurrency, ISO and Scooper winners
Sundae Swap an AMM (automated market maker) DEX building on Cardano released a long awaited paper updating and…
Connect Financial Introduces the Cardano Credit Card
In an era of economic turbulence and uncertainty, access to credit may be out of reach for many…
Minswap Proposes a TypeScript SDK
Minswap is a pioneer DEX on Cardano that has grown to become a leader within the network. This…
Marketing Proposal for Key ADA Integration Tools: Mercury and Heidrun
ADA integration tools have not received enough marketing. This proposal discusses the need to professionally market Adosia’s Heidrun…
Koios: An Elastic Cardano Query Layer
Koios is an open-source, decentralized API featuring elastic infrastructure and built-in complex query solutions to make building on…
Trust Funds by ADA – New Approach to Wealth Management on the Blockchain
Every passing second, wealth is created in the blockchain ecosystem and people need new approaches for sharing and…