Cardano AI Suite

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology are two of the most disruptive innovations of our time since the generalization of the Internet.

AI refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, while blockchain technology is a decentralized and secure system for storing and transferring digital information.

Both technologies are transforming potential industries and revolutionizing the way we do business.

Their interaction can develop in several ways. One of them is for AI to take advantage of the immutability and transparency of the blockchain to improve the precision and reliability of its results. 

Another is that blockchain technology can use AI to automate processes and decision-making. 

The latter is what this proposal presented in the FUND12 from Project Catalyst, which I will analyze below.

The Proposal

This proposal is an open-source artificial intelligence suite adapted to the Cardano blockchain, which offers developers real-time information on development, alerts on misinformation, and Cardano’s presence analysis in the community.

The team proposes a development with a commitment to open source ethics, promoting community contributions, with the following characteristics:

  • Blockchain Integration Cardano
  • Open source development
  • Innovation in AI and Machine Learning
  • Community empowerment

This AI toolkit promises to help developers, leverage Cardano’s features, and ensure the dissemination of verified information.

It will facilitate the developer experience, filter out misinformation, and monitor the popularity of the blockchain, contributing essentially to the reliability and growth of Cardano.

The Milestones

Milestone 1 —Create an AI training infrastructure (15% of budget)

  • Establish the technical foundations of AI models by provisioning servers, selecting appropriate machine learning frameworks, and preparing datasets.
  • Install the necessary software and tools on cloud-based servers or on-premises computing resources.
  • Finalize the choice of machine learning algorithms for sentiment analysis, developer insights, and misinformation detection.

Milestone 2 —Training the AI ​​model with data from Cardano forums and GitHub repositories (20% of budget)

  • Create accurate and robust AI models through iterative training cycles using collated data.
  • Implement natural language processing techniques to interpret context and structure within the forum and repository data.
  • Run training cycles to fine-tune AI models for high accuracy in real-world scenarios relevant to the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Evaluate models using a set of performance metrics and refine them based on feedback and results.

Milestone 3 —Develop and integrate developer support Chatbot system with Cardano (20% of budget)

  • Build an AI-based interface that helps developers by providing them with information and recommendations based on their queries or code snippets.
  • Design a user-friendly interface that can connect to the AI ​​backend.
  • Test the system with real users to verify its ease of use and incorporate feedback received to refine it.

Milestone 4 —Establish a disinformation detection and alert mechanism (20% of the budget)

  • Create a system that analyzes information to detect misinformation and issue alerts to the Cardano community.
  • Adapt AI models to recognize patterns that indicate misinformation, based on linguistic cues and historical data.
  • Develop a protocol to notify users of suspicious information integrating it with social media platforms, forums, or other communication channels.
  • Validate the accuracy of the detection mechanism and minimize false positives through iterative testing.

Milestone 5 —Implement a real-time Cardano popularity/sentiment analysis tool (15% of budget)

  • Develop a tool providing Cardano’s presence analysis on various media platforms.
  • Create pipeline data to stream live data from multiple sources such as Reddit, Twitter, and media outlets monitoring Cardano’s presence.
  • Implement visualization tools and dashboards to show real-time analysis to the community.
  • Include features for historical trend analysis and forecasting, using predictive AI models.

Final Milestone —Open source publishing, documentation, and community delivery (10% of budget)

  • Officially make the set of Artificial Intelligence applications and their documentation available to the public, encouraging their adoption and subsequent development in the community.
  • Polish and prepare comprehensive documentation, developer guides, and usage tutorials for the AI ​​suite.
  • Finalize licensing and create public repositories on platforms like GitHub.
  • Facilitate a campaign to introduce the AI ​​suite to the Cardano community through webinars, interactive Q&A sessions, and support channels.

Writer’s Note: The proposal does not specify the time to meet each milestone.

The Budget

The total funding requested amounts to 190,000 ADA, and is composed as follows:

—AI Infrastructure & Model Development: 68,851 ADA

  • Research & Development of AI Models
  • Data Collection & Processing
  • Coding & Implementation
  • Testing & Validation

—Developer Support System Integration: 30,462 ADA

  • Integration with Cardano Nodes & APIs
  • Development of Support Tools & Libraries
  • UX/UI for Developer Tools
  • Integration Testing & Documentation

—Misinformation Detection System: 30,462 ADA

  • Design of Detection Algorithms
  • Real-time Data Analysis Modules
  • Twitter & News Source Integration
  • System Testing & Reliability Checks

—Popularity Tracking Tool Development: 30,463 ADA

  • Sentiment Analysis Algorithm Development
  • Social Media Monitoring Infrastructure
  • Data Aggregation & Reporting Interfaces
  • Performance Tuning & Analytics

—Launch, Documentation, and Community Engagement: 20,076 ADA

  • Final System Testing & Quality Assurance
  • Documentation & User Guides
  • Post-launch Support & Updates

—Operational Cost, AWS, IPFS, Twitter API, Data mining: 9,686 ADA

  • Cloud Services
  • Data Storage & Processing
  • Twitter API Access
  • Tools for Data Mining & Processing

The Proponent

Ehtisham Sabir is the actor of this proposal. His profile on LinkedIn says “Experienced Python developer with strong expertise in blockchain technologies like Binance Smart Chain, Cardano, and Tron. Skilled in web development, data analysis, async programming, and web scraping.”

Also, share the Upwork platform in which you record your work.

You can see his participation in open source at GitHub.

He is part of a work team which can be seen here.

Ehtisham Sabir says he has been involved with Cardano since December 2020, and in January 2021 he created a stakepool, ticker [LEAGUE].

. . .

You can read the original proposal: Cardano AI Suite: Real-Time Insights, Dev Aid & Misinfo Watch

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