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193 posts
Why Cardano is like Pineapple Pizza
Surprisingly, pizza and blockchain projects have a lot in common and can teach you about human psychology!
No. Cardano Shouldn’t Do Token Burns – Here’s Why.
If you play with fire, don’t be surprised if you get burnt. Token Burning disincentivises both users and developers from using a project’s tokens and kills it over time.
Taking a Look at Cardano’s Monetary Policy
Money is a commodity that is used as a means of exchanging goods and services. Its origin has…
Governance in The Voltaire Era and The Cardano Treasury
Voltaire is the era of governance in Cardano, and to be able to govern requires funds. There are…
The Potential Risks of Investing in ADA
The FUD surrounding ADA has gotten quite stale, we need new arguments against why you shouldn’t invest in Cardano and here they are.
Cardano & China are About to Fight over the Heart of Africa
Over the last few decades, China has gained international aspirations and it is extending its influence all over the world. In Africa, they have an unlikely rival in the form of Cardano, and the result of this conflict will determine the continent’s future.
How Crypto Could Save You in an Economic Collapse
Crypto is able to rewrite the rules of economic collapses and change the game. This is what will happen with crypto and society in the upcoming recession.
Understanding Different Type of Attacks on Blockchain Consensus
One of the forms of attack on a blockchain is directed against the consensus. The two best known…
Memecoins & NFTs: Hot Garbage or a Good Investment? — The Philosophy of Memes
Are NFTs and memecoins an emerging new asset class worthy of investment consideration or are they vapourware? The truth lies somewhere in the middle…
Cardano: The Decentralized Cathedral – Building to Last Generations
Cardano is not just another blockchain project, it’s comparable to a cathedral -it's intergenerational and at a scale that one can scarcely imagine.