Deserializing Cardano Transactions for the .NET CardanoSharp Library

This proposal looks to build an infrastructure that will support the deserialization of Cardano CBOR serialized transactions, on CardanoSharp – the .NET Library on Cardano. The infrastructure will allow developers to interact with the library in a friendlier manner.

This in turn will help promote the growth of the overall Cardano chain as developers will be able to deserialize a Cardano CDOR transaction into C# objects within a few minutes of starting to use the library.

A Novel Solution

With a lot of innovation happening around the .NET ecosystem globally and the .NET developer tooling for Cardano still in its early stages developing such a project puts Cardano a step ahead of others in the sector. The project which aims to complement CardanoSharp will make the Cardano developer ecosystem even more attractive to .NET developers.

The team intends to build on work already built by others, the CardanoSharp library in a bid to make the underlying infrastructure more efficient for .NET developers. CardanoSharp.Wallet is a Cardano cryptographic and serialization library for .NET applications. It provides the ability to create, restore, sign transactions, and build/manage wallets.

 For Cardano, this is a small but key step towards mass adoption as it helps capture the niche market of .NET developers. This project will also contribute largely to building out an open-source project on tooling for CardanoSharp.

The Team

This project is driven by a small team at Inversion, a team of 13 .NET developers. Each individual in the team has between 3 to 25 years of experience in software building and related aspects. Together their experience can be summed up to a little over 150 years of building successful software and related ventures.

Inversion is a software development outfit that offers services such as software development, software maintenance, DevOps, Cloud Migration, and Cloud Hosting. The team is driven by their passion to fulfill various needs of their clients concerning software development and maintenance.

It is worthwhile to note that the overall team at Inversion, has worked previously on a project for Fund 3, CardanoSharp, the project they are looking to enhance through this proposal. The project was a success and has been instrumental in onboarding more people onto the Cardano Ecosystem. This specific project is led by:

Patrik Szeder – Lead Developer. Patrik has over 7 years of experience in software development with strengths in C# coding and development. As the lead developer for this project, his experience will play a crucial role in ensuring that the coding and development aspects are successful.

Jacques Bosch–Founder/Software Developer. Jacques is a co-founder and software architecture consultant at Inversion. He has over 20 years of experience in software development and consultancy. He plays a key role in the team’s project as a consultant and will be in charge of the project oversight for this specific proposal.

Project Timeline and Funding

Building the infrastructure necessary for deserializing Cardano CDOR transactions is set to take 6 to 8 weeks after receiving funding. Considering the scope of the project and the dedication behind the project, the team believes that they will be implementing the infrastructure in less than 8 weeks once funded.

The project seeks to raise a total of USD 3,700 which will be distributed as follows:

  • Code implementation: $2500
  • Code Review: $500
  • Unit Tests: $500
  • Communications with other stakeholders.: $200

Final Thoughts

With this team’s experience and taking into consideration that this project is to further develop or ‘build-on’ a previous project, it is safe to project that the project will run smoothly. Once successful, developers will have an easy time interacting with the .NET library for the Cardano Blockchain. This move will enhance growth of the overall Cardano Ecosystem, as it makes it more attractive to developers.

To learn more about this project, check out their full proposal.

Image courtesy of pixabay

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