The Typhon Wallet Mobile App

The digital wallet is an application designed to carry out transactions with our digital currencies. Unlike how we use our pocket wallets to hold fiat money, our digital wallets are only a platform to store and access our private keys to execute operations on the blockchain. Pure and hard cryptography. Our funds are in the blockchain ledger as an accounting record. Yes, your cryptocurrencies are just an accounting record!

To learn more about the different types of wallets, I leave you at the end an article that I published a while ago (1).

Cardano has a growing offer in wallets, such as: B58 Finance, AdaLite Wallet, Adaly Cardano Wallet, BC Vault, Bynet Wallet, C64 Wallet, Cardwallet, Daedalus Wallet, Eternl, Flint Wallet, GameChanger Wallet, GeroWallet, LodeWallet, Nami Wallet, NuFi , Typhon Wallet, Yoroi Wallet.source Cardano Cube.

Typhon Wallet, in its browser extension version released in November 2021, is a great product. Its functionalities are very complete, it allows you to delegate ADA, send, receive and view NFTs, it supports hardware wallets with Ledger and Trezor, it is multi-account to store ADAs in totally different accounts without the need to manage multiple seed phrases, multi-delegation to stake in different pools, metadata to add the receipt number of your pizza order or simply send a message along with the ADA payment, register your wallet in the Catalyst voting round, choose a type of wallet HD with multiple addresses like Daedalus, or a simpler and faster single address, plus other features.

You can see Kaizen Crypto tutorial: How To Use Typhon Cardano Wallet | Full Guide and Walkthrough.

In these times when mobility and minimalism are promoted, there is a great demand for mobile wallets from Cardano users, since it is much easier to access the blockchain, than from a web or desktop application. 

There are currently only a couple of products for mobile devices. That is why the Typhon developers present this proposal, a non-custodial mobile wallet that supports all the features of a Cardano light wallet.

The Proposal

The Typhon Wallet for Cardano has been developed by the Strica team, in its desktop version as a web application and Chrome extension, which is now available, and has been adopted by many users due to its ease of use and its special features. 

The mobile wallet will be developed in the same way, being natively integrated into the platforms to offer users a seamless experience. It will be accessible to all Cardano users as it will be developed for both Android and iOS. 

The new goal is to develop a non-custodial mobile wallet, supporting all features and easy to use, secure and fast, connecting with Ledger and Trezor, allowing users to transact, connect with DApps, participate in staking, explore asset gallery/NFT, hardware wallet support, sending and receiving ADA, sending multiple tokens, multi language, multi recipient transaction, memo support, staking to any pool, multi-account support, Catalyst voting, assets/NFT support and DApp support .

Open source libraries will be used, which are already used in the desktop version of Typhon Wallet and in other Cardano projects.

The wallet will promote its adoption based on its ease of use, lowering the barrier of entry for users to DApps and Defi markets. The ecosystem will benefit from mobile app integrations with current services and protocols, because users will have more viable alternatives.

There is complexity to support the integration of DApps for mobile wallets, and this complexity slows down adoption, but this mobile wallet will be delivered with no risk of delay. 

The team has made some POC (Proof of Concept) confirming the approach for the development of the mobile wallet.

The Roadmap

The team anticipates that the development will take a few months to complete, estimating to launch the wallet in mid-December 2022.

  • UI/UX design development
  • Wallet create, import support
  • Hardware wallet support
  • Sending and Receiving ADA
  • Sending Multiple tokens
  • Multi Language
  • Multi recipient transaction
  • Memo support
  • Staking to any pool
  • Multi-account support
  • Catalyst Voting
  • Assets/NFT support
  • Dapp support

The Budget

  • 2 Mobile Devs: USD 120,000
  • 1 Cardano Eng: USD 85,000
  • 1 QA Engineer: USD 25,000
  • Server cost 6 months: USD 15,000

Total development cost: USD 245,000

The Team

Typhon Wallet is built by the company Strica, the same company that develops CardanoScan, the Cardano blockchain explorer. 

The team also provides Cardano support to the Ledger Live wallet, in its mobile and desktop versions.

Its founder is Ashish Prajapati, Twitter, Github.

The development of this proposal will be led by Mehul – Senior Mobile & Cardano Engineer

The team will continue to update and add new features to the Typhon Wallet mobile app, as needed and for as long as needed without additional funding, except for material changes in Cardano that would have an impact on the core functions of the wallet and that would require a significant amount of resources.

The finished product will be available on the iOS app store and Android Play store, and updates will be released regularly. The number of downloads and the number of interactions made with the application is a main determinant of the success of a project.


Github: ; 

You can read the original proposal on Catalyst: Typhon Wallet Mobile App 

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(1) An Influx of Wallets Are Entering the Cardano Ecosystem. Which One Should You Use?

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