Why is Bitcoin so Valuable?

A very important question that fascinates many about the newfound technology of cryptocurrencies, is “Does Bitcoin have any value at all, why is it so special?” Even with these unending debates, one thing is clear- Bitcoin is more than a new digital asset. It’s an innovation that has changed the world of finance! What gives Bitcoin value? Is it potentially the catalyst for change in the world? And what are its challenges? These are some of the things we’ll be looking at in this article.

What Makes Bitcoin Unique?

Bitcoin isn’t just some sort of new money, it goes beyond the mere surface of just a means of exchange like traditional means like the fiat currency. It is a new paradigm of financial relations that was thoroughly thought of to solve some problems with finance, overlooked by financial institutions and establishments for years. The main features of the difference are:

  1. Decentralized system

Bitcoin has no central power. Where traditional financial systems are built on the premise of banks and governments controlling and moving money around, Bitcoin derives power from nodes, a network of computers set up across the globe. For this reason, there is no middleman or any need for trust in one particular entity.

  1. Borderless accessibility

Anyone who can access the internet, anyone, regardless of their credit score is able to use Bitcoin. It allows for financial inclusion, breaking down every barrier to global wealth that stands in your way.

  1. Trustless transaction

In contrast, the traditional mechanism of money, like we are used to, relies on third-party, trusted intermediaries such as a bank or a processor to settle a transaction. In their place, Bitcoin depends on cryptographic security, using public key cryptography to ensure verifiable, tamper-proof, peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries

  1. Public infrastructure 

Bitcoin is the world’s first open, public financial infrastructure. Unlike other private systems of financial processing—for example, Visa or PayPal—Bitcoin is owned by no corporation. Bitcoin is an idea about digital cash for the whole world, for anyone.

Why Is Bitcoin Called “Digital Gold”?

It is likened to gold because the two forms of investment are considered scarce assets and resistant to wear and tear. Here’s why it has been termed “digital gold”:

  • Constrained supply

Bitcoin has a capped supply of 21 million coins, thus creating inherent scarcity. The cryptocurrency is resistant to inflationary pressures due to over-issue, unlike all fiat currencies issued by the government.

  • Store of value

Although volatile in the short term, Bitcoin has shown long-term appreciation in value and is, therefore, poised as a good hedge against economic uncertainty.

  • Portability and durability

Unlike gold, which is heavy and a pain to transport, Bitcoin is digital; therefore, you can send it across the globe in minutes, making it far more pragmatic in a modern, interconnected world.

The Evolving Nature of Bitcoin: A Process in Progress

Bitcoin just like the internet in the 1990s, is still in its infancy. E-mail was cumbersome in those days, and very few people could imagine how the Internet was going to revolutionize communication, commerce, and even entertainment. Bitcoin has traced a similar path of growth concerning its technology and usage.

  • Increasing use cases

While it was at first designed as a means of peer-to-peer settlement, nowadays, it is used for remittances, online purchases, and even a form of reserve asset for companies and countries. The usage is increasing day by day. 

  • Continuous innovation 

The developers and researchers are continually fine-tuning the technology of Bitcoin for efficiency, scalability, and better security. Advancements in the future could unlock new applications we haven’t yet imagined.

Why does the world need Bitcoin?

Traditional finance has much reliance on centralization, which brings tremendous risk and many limitations. It is here that Bitcoin’s decentralization dispels vulnerabilities:

  1. Security breaches

Thus, attackers usually target the centralized systems first. For example, the huge breach in Equifax last 2017 exposed 143 million Americans’ personal information. Since Bitcoin is decentralized, there is no central point of failure; hence, it is naturally more secure.

  1. Corruption and fraud

Traditional banking systems themselves are susceptible to fraud-from fake SWIFT transactions to insider wrongdoing-where in more centralized systems, so many cases occur through human mistake or avarice. Corruption in this regard is less likely with the transparent Bitcoin ledger.

  1. Financial inclusion

Billions go unbanked around the world due to a complete lack of financial institutions or restrictive policies. Bitcoin makes it possible for any person to take part in the global economy without dependence on circumstance.

The Problems of Bitcoin

While Bitcoin offers some considerable advantages, it isn’t perfect either. Here are some of the criticisms thrown at Bitcoin:

  • Price volatility

Its value goes extremely high and low, making it less dependable for everyday transactions. Over time, this volatility has reduced, but it is still a concern for many users.

  • Environmental impacts

Mining Bitcoin indeed requires a lot of power, but plans are underway to shift to renewable energy, which, again, is under critical scrutiny regarding its environmental cost.

  • Regulatory uncertainty

Governments all over the world are still trying to find a way to handle Bitcoins, regarding them either as a chance to innovate or as a threat to traditional ways of conducting financial transactions.

These are not impossible crosses. Like any emerging technology, Bitcoin is making its way and finding solutions to all these problems being actively developed.

A Historical Perspective: The Bitcoin Technological Revolution

To understand fully the potential of Bitcoin, let’s take a look at how humankind has always exploited new technologies:

The Iron Age

When man first discovered iron, its uses were confined to mere tools and weapons; now, it’s applied right from structural building to means of transport, even to space.

The Internet Revolution 

People in the 1990s said the internet was just a fad. Today, it is the backbone of modern times, running everything from communication to commerce. Bitcoin is another such leap. For now, it may seem a narrow application, but one day it could change the face of industries in ways we cannot even imagine. So this innovation challenges the status quo by decentralizing control and putting financial sovereignty back in the hands of individuals.

The underlying blockchain technology could be applied to other systems prone to centralization and abuse, such as social media, supply chains, and even governance.

BTCUSD Price Chart

Why Bitcoin’s value means more than its price

  1. A hedge against centralization

It forms an alternative to traditional systems that are still held by a few rich men who are growing in wealth.

  1. A tool for financial freedom

Permissionless, and not needing intermediaries, Bitcoin democratizes the ability of whomever to send value to anyone anywhere in the world.

  1. A cornerstone for further innovation

But it’s more than that bold breakthrough in computer science whose byproducts could sow their way into industries way beyond finance.


So, Bitcoin is valuable not just because it’s rare or new, but it forms part of a paradigm shift in what we consider money and where we place our ultimate power and trust.

It’s a response to just how brittle centralized systems are with a view of a much more inclusive, secure, resilient future of finance. With each passing day, Bitcoin evolves, and its role in carving out a digital era becomes increasingly weighty. 

Be it a disbeliever or one who believes in the dream, one thing is certain: Bitcoin is here, and its journey has just begun. Keep informed, stay curious, and continue to explore all of the possibilities of this amazing technology.

About The Author

Hello guys! I’m Blockchain Mouthpiece, an experienced cryptocurrency writer who has been in the game since 2018, crafting the best articles which are proven to be both insightful and engaging to the satisfaction of users. My aim is to bring the complexities of cryptocurrency, Blockchain technology, and Web 3, to the barest minimum, to make adoption more seamless and fast among both seasoned and new users.

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