MAYZ: Cardano Cross-Chain Index
Managing a well-diversified portfolio of investments in different ecosystems can be time consuming and risky. The idea is…
Cardano Latam Hubs: Building Communities
Blockchain technology will be a true game-changer for society, however for this to happen it must be promoted…
ADA Link: A Decentralization Tool
Stakepool Operators (SPOs) are the pillars of decentralization in Cardano, since they build the blockchain from the consensus…
The Typhon Wallet Mobile App
The digital wallet is an application designed to carry out transactions with our digital currencies. Unlike how we…
AdaPulse Independent Media Outlet
If you are interested in education about the crypto industry, and in particular the evolution of the Cardano…
A Consultant to Survey and Obtain Data from Communities
There is a lot of information on Cardano, and very good information regarding on-chain data. Platforms like Cardano…
MLabs Proposes Building a Cardano Transaction Library to Blockfrost
Proposals on Catalyst that focus on end-user products look more attractive to most of the community than proposals…
ArgusNFT Wants to Add Decentralized Identity to Legitimize NFTs
NFTs counterfeit or plagiarized NFTs are a serious and growing problem. The developers of the proposal reported that…
Dolos: The Cardano “Data Node”
“It looks like a node, swims like a node, quacks like a node… but it only serves data”.…
Cardano Blockchain Insights: The Complete Data Platform
The on-chain and off-chain data of a blockchain is the most important basic and essential information to understand…