Cardashift: The Launchpad to Debug The World

Cardashift will be a community-led development launchpad to raise funds, build and accelerate start-ups that solve social and environmental problems. 

Its creators have their leitmotif: “Debug the world”.

The initiative is led by 3 complementary companies, with extensive experience in blockchain, product design and acceleration programs, which I detail at the end. 

They offer the community the opportunity to invest in promising companies, backed by a world-class business creation program to transform them into impact businesses.

Environmental and social interests are becoming more frequent, and the world has emergencies to attend to. These entrepreneurial change makers lack both the funds and adequate support to increase their success rate, and there is little useful data to assess the financial viability of impact initiatives. The evaluation of the return on social investment of the project lacks an analytical framework to generate tangible evidence for subsequent investments.

Blockchain technology and its economic models allow these challenges to be met in two comprehensive ways. The first is the ability to generate financing in an unprecedented way and provide support instruments to entrepreneurs. Second, by leveraging the benefits of community collaboration and the decentralized power of the many.

Real-world tokenization is not a fantasy, and it can have a huge positive influence on how impact project leaders can tackle their chosen challenges. However, newcomers to the blockchain ecosystem in 2021 still need to understand the technology deeply.

This is where Cardashift is born, an ecosystem of products and services designed to promote sustainable development based on Cardano’s blockchain technology, and is powered by the CLAP token. 


A CLAP utility token will be created to support the Cardashift ecosystem. The token will sustain and contribute to the longevity of the ecosystem by financially rewarding those who own it.


The initial distribution will be as follows:

In this recently published article, the team explains how to purchase CLAP tokens: How to acquire CLAP tokens from scratch?

How Will The Projects be Financed?

The Cardashift team will support those responsible for the project throughout the fundraising. Once the application is accepted, several financing options will be offered. 

Each funding option values ​​the CLAP token in a unique way.

It will initially roll out the Initial DEX Offering (IDO) funding model, a type of decentralized, permissionless crowdfunding, which is opening up a new way of fundraising in the crypto space.

Other funding models such as Liquidity Pool, StakeToEarn, AirDrop and Staking will also be offered in the future.

The team promises to promote decentralization. 

Cardashift Launchpad will provide subscribing project developers with expert support and unique communication, all of which help ensure value at market launch. 

These are three phases to select the candidate projects for IDO:

  • Phase 1: Registration
  • Phase 2: Voting
  • Phase 3: Scrutiny

Phase 1 Registration: three weeks

The most promising projects among the more than 250 applications received they will be revealed and presented on the launchpad.

During this three-week period, daily wallet snapshots will be taken to see the amount of CLAPS.

The reward will be ~20% APR during the holding period, from the moment of registration. The team explains the details of the registration process: Get ready to have the power: Understand our registration process!

Phase 2 Voting: six days

The day after the registration deadline ends, each CLAP that registered will be given a number of ballots to vote. For more information on the calculation method, voting processes, and whitelisting, the team reported that there will be explanatory articles.

Phase 3 Results: five days maximum

To be selected, a project must obtain at least 10% of the number of voters and 10% of the total number of ballots. However, this calculation method could result in more than 2 selected projects. If this happens, it takes some time to readjust and refine the selection to just two projects.

The final result of the two selected projects will be announced on the last day of the scrutiny phase.

Before the IDO, the selected projects will enter the pre-financing and campaign phase of the IDO, which will close at the end of September. After this period, the second batch of launchpad will be released.


The developers’ strategy to achieve the goal begins in the first quarter of 2022 with the launch pad, which will generate a flow of project agreements. 

In the short term the project is aimed at blockchain enthusiasts, but the ultimate goal is to get the general public involved in Cardashift. 

First Era, develop tech enablers 

The goal is twofold:

  • Publish a Launchpad that is accessible to anyone, meaning crypto users and non-crypto users, business to customer (B2C). This will be achieved in two stages: Launchpad v1.0 for crypto enthusiasts, and v2.0 for B2C.
  • Launch of the key enablers for our community, projects and Cardashift, such as DEX, Staking, Wallet, Farming, etc.

Second Era, Go Mainstream and develop new products and services

The goal of the 2nd era is to design and develop new products and services for B2C, while helping launch pad projects launch and scale. 

Third Era, Systemic shifts

The objective of the 3rd era is to eliminate systemic blockages with a view to generating new ecosystems that are radically different from the existing ones. The team will provide strategic insights to guide the efforts of the

*Editor’s note: A delay in the original roadmap can be seen 

In a tweet dated May 4, 2022 the team announced the release of the launchpad: Cardashift Launchpad live on May 11, and you can see Cardashift Launchpad

The Team

The initiative is led by 3 complementary companies with extensive experience in blockchain, product design and acceleration programs: 

  • Matters, Product and start-up studio with +14 years of experience, assisted +150 startups with a cumulative value of +1bn $ and built +100 MVPs with a success rate over 90%. 
  • Smart-Chain PoS blockchain development experts with strong background in R&D, Zero Knowledge Proofs, Secure multiparty computation (MPC), Certification and Traceability use cases, etc.
  • Stim Specialists in radical innovation and acceleration for green transitions. +7 years experience in innovation strategies and products for industry leaders in energy, food and mobility

The Cardashift team is made up of more than 30 members, who make up training in different functions: Founders & executives, Blockchain, Impact Assessment, Growth, Marketing and Communication, Product, Advisors, and Ambassadors.

You can see them here.

The website: Cardashift

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