Dandelion API:  A Set of APIs Designed to Simplify Development on Cardano 

Cardano is quickly becoming a popular choice for decentralized applications (dApps). However, building on Cardano can be complex and time-consuming, especially for developers who are new to the ecosystem.

This is where Dandelion API comes in, a set of APIs provided by the Dandelion project, which aims to make it easier for developers to access and work on Cardano.

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of protocols, routines, and tools that software developers use to build and integrate software applications.

APIs enable different software applications to interact with each other, exchange data, and perform various tasks. They provide a standardized way for developers to access a specific service or functionality provided by another software component, such as a web service, a database, or an operating system.

APIs typically define the data structures and communication protocols used to access the service, as well as the rules and constraints for using it. They can be implemented in different programming languages and can be accessed by other software applications using various communication channels, such as HTTP, TCP/IP, or message queues.

APIs are widely used in modern software development, especially in web and mobile applications. They enable developers to reuse existing software components and build more complex and integrated applications faster and more efficiently.

Source: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/what-is-an-api/

Why APIs are important for blockchain and dApp development?

APIs are crucial for the development of blockchain and dApp applications for several reasons:

  • Interoperability: APIs enable interoperability between different blockchain platforms and dApps. This allows developers to build applications that can interact with multiple blockchains and dApps, leading to seamless integration and data sharing. 
  • Efficiency: APIs provide a standardized way for developers to access data and functionality within a blockchain or dApp. This streamlines development and reduces the time and effort required to create complex applications. 
  • Accessibility: APIs make it easier for developers to access and use blockchain technologies without requiring in-depth knowledge of how they work, which expands the potential developer pool and democratizes access to blockchain technology. 
  • Integration: APIs allow dApps to integrate with external services, such as payment gateways, identity verification services, and social media platforms. This can expand the functionality and capabilities of a dApp, and provide users with more options and features.
  • Security: APIs provide secure access to blockchain data and functionality, protecting sensitive data and transactions from unauthorized access or manipulation. 
  • Scalability: APIs can help blockchain and dApp developers scale their applications by providing an easy way to integrate with other technologies and services. 

What is Dandelion API?

The Dandelion project is a community-supported initiative led by GimbaLabs and operated by La PEACE pool. It offers a wide range of APIs that allow developers to access different layers of the Cardano blockchain, including the explorer, submit, graphql, ogmios, postgREST, Koios, and Blockfrost. These APIs can be used to build a wide range of dApps, light wallets, and more. 

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the Dandelion API and its use cases for Cardano projects. 

We’ll explore the different paths available for developers to get started, the various APIs offered, and the benefits of using Dandelion API for building on Cardano. 

Getting Started with Dandelion API 

Dandelion API offers two different paths for developers to get started:

  1. a hosted instance of almost every available Cardano API offered as a free community service by Gimbalabs
  2. and an open-source project to deploy community service using Kubernetes. 

For developers, Dandelion’s hosted instances allow them to start prototyping their projects instantly by choosing the API that best suits their needs. With Dandelion API, developers can use the same codebase of the open-source projects developed by IOG, Emurgo and other community developers, even if they decide to host the APIs themselves in the future.

Dandelion offers a wide range of APIs that allow developers to access different layers of the Cardano blockchain. 

Some of the APIs available through the Dandelion project include:

The hasura/graphql-api, can be used to gather composed information from the blockchain and to send signed transactions to the blockchain. 

Source: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/dandelion-apis/

The cardano-rest/explorer-API and cardano-rest/submit-api, which can be used to gather basic information from the blockchain

Source: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/dandelion-apis/

The KtorZ/Ogmios-api, can be used to gather live blockchain information directly from a Cardano-node instance. 

Source: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/dandelion-apis/

The cardano-db-sync/postgrest-api can be used to perform SQL queries to gather information directly from Cardano-db-sync’s database. 

Source: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/dandelion-apis/

The rosetta-api can be used to integrate applications with multiple blockchains in a simpler, faster, and more reliable way. 

Source: https://developers.cardano.org/docs/get-started/dandelion-apis/

Benefits of using Dandelion API for Building on Cardano 

Simplified Development

Dandelion API simplifies the process of building on Cardano by providing developers with a set of easy-to-use APIs. This makes it possible for developers to focus on the business logic of their dApp rather than worrying about the underlying infrastructure. 


Dandelion API is offered as a free community service, which means that developers can start building on Cardano without incurring any costs. Eventually, the project will enable ways to Dandelion Node operators to contribute to a network of Dandelion instances, so that the Cardano API layer is as robust as Cardano itself.

Access to a Wide Range of APIs

Dandelion API provides developers with access to a wide range of APIs. This allows developers to choose the API that best suits their needs and build a wide range of dApps. 


Dandelion API is an open-source project, which means that developers can access the source code, make changes, and contribute to the project. This makes it possible for developers to improve the API and make it better suited to their needs. 


In conclusion, Dandelion API is a powerful tool for developers looking to build on the Cardano blockchain. It simplifies development, is cost-effective, encourages innovation, provides access to a wide range of APIs, and is open-source. With Dandelion API, developers can quickly and easily build dApps on Cardano, making it an essential tool for any developer working in the Cardano ecosystem.




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