News-as-a-Service for Cardano Ecosystem: How 60 Blocks is Streamlining Communication and Empowering Projects

There is a new project out in the Cardano Ecosystem, and it has nothing to do with developing tech but with communication.

So what is it, why do we need it and how does it work?

Let’s find out.


In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, staying informed and up-to-date with the latest developments is crucial for projects seeking to succeed. However, maintaining consistent engagement and updating followers can be a challenge, even for the most popular projects. “60 Blocks” is a news-as-a-service platform designed to make it easy for projects operating within the Cardano ecosystem to stay connected with their audience.

This article explores the challenges of maintaining consistent engagement in the crypto industry, the concept of “news as a service,” and the benefits and risks associated with consistent high-quality updates. 

Why do we need media platforms in crypto?

Media platforms play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency industry as they help to disseminate information and updates to the community. The crypto industry is characterized by its fast pace, ever-changing landscape, and complexity, which can make it challenging for projects to maintain consistent engagement with their audience. Media platforms provide a solution by offering reliable and informative updates to users.

Moreover, media platforms serve as a means of building and maintaining a strong community presence. In the competitive world of cryptocurrency, projects need to have a loyal following to succeed. Media platforms provide a way for projects to keep their audience informed and engaged, which can lead to increased visibility, brand influence, and community support.

Additionally, media platforms provide a means for projects to gain exposure and attract new users. By sharing updates and news about the project, media platforms can help to increase awareness and generate interest in the project.

Overall, media platforms are essential in the cryptocurrency industry as they help to facilitate communication, build community, and promote projects.

What is 60 Blocks?

60 Blocks is a comprehensive News-As-A-Service platform for projects in the Cardano ecosystem In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, staying informed and up-to-date with the latest developments is crucial for projects seeking to succeed. 

However, maintaining consistent engagement and updating followers can be a challenge, even for the most popular projects. That’s where “60 Blocks” comes in – a news-as-a-service platform designed to make it easy for projects operating within the Cardano ecosystem to stay connected with their audience. 

With a team of top marketers, educators, and technical writers, “60 Blocks” offers a comprehensive solution for projects seeking to enhance their audience engagement and stay relevant in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency. 

The Challenges of Maintaining Consistent Engagement in the Crypto Industry 

The crypto industry is characterized by its fast pace and ever-changing landscape, which can make it challenging for projects to maintain consistent engagement with their audience. This can be a significant obstacle to building and progressing products. 

Moreover, as the industry becomes more crowded and competitive, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out and gain a loyal following. Even the most successful projects operating within the Cardano ecosystem can struggle with engagement issues. Despite having a loyal following, these projects often face difficulties in keeping their audience informed and engaged. As a result, they may miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and development. 

The Concept of “News as a Service”

“News as a service” is a concept that centers around the idea of providing relevant and informative updates to users as a service. “60 Blocks” operates on this philosophy by offering a comprehensive news-as-a-service platform for projects in the Cardano ecosystem. The platform includes live shows, newsletters, and Twitter threads, making it easy for users to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in their favorite projects. 

The Key Components of the 60 Blocks Pipeline 

The 60 Blocks pipeline is a comprehensive solution designed to keep users engaged and up-to-date with project updates. The key components of this pipeline include the live show, newsletters, and Twitter threads. The live show provides a dedicated dialog every month, offering a reliable and consistent way to receive project news and updates. Newsletters and Twitter threads offer salient publications every month, providing users with relevant and intelligible news about the project. 

The 60 Blocks pipeline is designed to make it as easy as possible for users to follow along with project updates. Whether users prefer to receive updates through the live show, newsletters, or Twitter threads, 60 Blocks provides multiple ways to stay engaged and interested in the progress of projects in the Cardano ecosystem. 

This ensures that users can stay informed and up-to-date without having to spend excessive amounts of time searching for information. 

The Benefits of Consistent High-Quality Updates 

Consistent, high-quality updates are crucial for projects seeking to maintain a strong brand influence and community presence in the Cardano ecosystem. By providing relevant and informative updates to followers, projects can increase their visibility and maintain a strong presence in the community. 

Producing consistent, high-quality updates can be time-consuming and often requires hands-on involvement from mission-critical team members. This can pull them away from their primary focus on building and progressing the product, leading to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. “60 Blocks” offers a solution to this problem by providing a news-as-a-service platform that takes care of updates and marketing, freeing up mission-critical team members to focus on what they do best – building and progressing the product. 

This not only allows projects to operate more efficiently, but it also ensures that the product itself is the best it can be. 

Risk of paid media Platforms

There are several risks associated with paid media platforms in the cryptocurrency industry. One of the most significant risks is the potential for misinformation or biased reporting. Paid media platforms may be incentivized to provide positive coverage of a particular project or to promote certain products or services, even if they are not the best options for users. This can lead to inaccurate or misleading information being disseminated to the community, which can be harmful and damaging to users and projects alike.

Another risk associated with paid media platforms is the potential for scams or fraudulent projects to be promoted. Paid media platforms may be approached by fraudulent projects or individuals seeking to scam users out of their money. These platforms may unknowingly promote these scams, leading to financial losses for users and a loss of trust in the platform.

Additionally, paid media platforms may face regulatory risks, especially if they are involved in promoting securities or investment opportunities. If a platform is found to be promoting illegal investment schemes or securities, they may face legal action or fines from regulatory bodies.

So the selection of projects to promote and talk about at the platform is a crucial and sensitive process to make sure the platform does not fall into any of these pitfalls.


The Importance of Staying Informed and Connected in the Cardano Ecosystem In the competitive world of Cardano, is crucial for projects seeking to succeed. That’s why “60 Blocks” offers a valuable resource for projects seeking to enhance their audience engagement and maintain a strong brand presence.

With a team of top professionals in the Cardano ecosystem and a comprehensive news-as-a-service platform, “60 Blocks” is uniquely equipped to provide reliable and informative updates to users.

So, if you’re looking for a way to stay connected and up-to-date with the latest developments in your favorite projects, “60 Blocks” is definitely worth checking out. 


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