Project Catalyst Townhall #136 Recap

A pioneering initiative, Project Catalyst Fund10 continues to shape the landscape of decentralized innovation and community collaboration. With a vision to explore the highest potential of human collaboration, Fund10 is fostering groundbreaking Cardano projects. The Project Catalyst Weekly Townhall (#136) was live streamed on YouTube on July 26th, 2023. The Town Hall begins with a great overview of the overall mission of Project Catalyst. 

The Experiment: A Journey of Discovery

Fund10 has always been an experiment – one that embraces innovation’s inherent unpredictability. The project’s leaders are clear that things may break, that documentation may be lacking, that iterations may differ greatly from one another, and the experience will both inspire and disorient you. As a result of this approach, a dynamic and agile ecosystem is forming, in which creativity thrives and conventional boundaries are challenged.

Driving Force: Empowering Human Collaboration

Fund10’s core mission is to create an environment where human collaboration can flourish. It is designed to empower community members to drive innovation and contribute to the growth of the Cardano blockchain with an impressive 50 million ADA in available funds. In accordance with decentralization principles, Fund10 leverages community reviewers and implements a transparent review process.

Remostart: Empowering Diversity and Inclusivity in Hiring

In the previous funding round for Project Catalyst, Fund9, a man named Ubio Obu submitted a proposal titled: “RemoStart: Africa Job Shadowing”. The proposal’s budget of 40k ADA ended up being funded thanks to voters, and Remostart was born! Using blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), Remostart seeks to revolutionize hiring by promoting inclusivity and decentralizing jobs in a world where diversity and inclusion are becoming increasingly important. Besides facing barriers to entry, marginalized individuals face biases as well. Remostart’s mission is to bridge these gaps. In addition to collecting vetted candidates from diverse backgrounds, Remostart provides employers with access to a talent pool that is reflective of global diversity.

The project ensures that candidate qualifications and experiences are securely recorded via the blockchain, eliminating bias and tampering. Employers can trust candidate information, creating a level playing field. Remostart’s commitment to empowerment extends beyond connecting talent with job opportunities. Through its inclusive platform, the project provides stipends and support to African talents, allowing them to pursue further education and career advancement.

“Grow Africa, Grow Cardano” Fund9 Challenge

This “Grow Africa, Grow Cardano” Fund9 Challenge has been empowering people across Africa with Cardano’s blockchain technology. One of the proposals from this challenge to receive funding was none other than Remostart! The overall challenge was led by five dedicated individuals and funded with 500k ADA, to promote blockchain awareness and support innovative projects. The Wada team spearheaded this undertaking. It was all about empowering African communities. Sixteen proposals were funded, and eight had been completed as of June.

A range of initiatives were undertaken to address pressing issues and improve livelihoods, including educational workshops and community-driven projects. As more projects came to fruition, more people were introduced to the potential of blockchain technology, one of the key achievements of the Fund9 Challenge. This knowledge has sparked enthusiasm among the youth, leading to a growing appetite for blockchain development and becoming developers themselves.

African communities shared resources and ideas, strengthening a sense of unity and a common purpose. Fund9’s projects not only raised awareness of Cardano but also supported local communities with sustainable solutions. In South Africa, the Cardano Community Center in Cape Town and the Cardano African Life in Johannesburg were established as noteworthy outcomes of the challenge. Through workshops and events, Fund9 Challenge participants were introduced to the Cardano blockchain, achieving its KPIs. These hubs have become catalysts for further engagement and participation in the Cardano ecosystem.

It is important to extend the reach of Cardano’s ecosystem, even after the Fund9 Challenge raised awareness and empowered communities in Africa. Cardano’s community should continue focusing on Africa, unlocking even greater potential and building a sustainable future.

Cardano Impact Report by Sustainable ADA

In the Cardano Impact Report, released by Sustainable ADA, a comprehensive overview of the positive impact the Cardano ecosystem has had on society and the environment has been provided. A vision for a more equitable world is embodied in this report, which inspires others to embrace blockchain technology for good and illustrates the transformative potential of collaboration and conscious decision-making.

The Cardano Impact Report celebrates the achievements, innovations, and initiatives undertaken by individuals, organizations, and projects within the Cardano community. From supporting education and healthcare projects to revolutionizing the supply chain, their contributions are highlighted. In the report, sustainability is a strong focus. In contrast to some other cryptocurrencies that use energy-intensive proof-of-work (PoW) systems, Cardano takes an approach that emphasizes its commitment to reducing its environmental impact.

In addition to inspiring the blockchain community, the Cardano Impact Report serves as an essential resource. In order to encourage individuals, businesses, and communities to take action, it highlights the potential of blockchain technology for positive social and environmental impact. With decentralized cooperation and consensus, Sustainable ADA believes that outdated structures can be replaced and a more equitable and sustainable world can be created.

Community Review at a Glance

Fund10’s Community Review process shows how strong and passionate the Cardano community is. Four hundred and sixty-six reviewers provided feedback on 1,472 proposals. There have been 4,217 reviews, ensuring thorough evaluations of different ideas thanks to the community’s enthusiasm. Fund10 strives to give equal attention to all proposals and encourages further engagement to ensure comprehensive feedback.

The Journey: Key Milestones

Fund10’s journey began on June 29th with the opening of reviewer registration. Community members eagerly signed up to participate, launching an exciting and collaborative journey. Reviewer registration ended on July 17th. The Moderation Period by L2 takes place from Aug 10th to Aug 17th, where high-level reviewers make sure the selection process is fair and good. Transparency and communication are key to Fund10’s ethos, with data released on August 21st, so community members can keep track of progress.

Future prospects

Fund10 continues to inspire and empower the Cardano community to unlock new possibilities through human collaboration. This experiment demonstrates the potential of decentralized innovation on Cardano. Fund10 is transforming how blockchain projects are conceptualized, developed, and funded by nurturing groundbreaking ideas and rewarding community participation.

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