C64: The Modular Wallet

The minting of signed assets fully on-chain, allows creators to distribute authenticated and verifiable content, with long-term availability.

The versatility of the use of metadata in Cardano makes a substantial difference compared to other blockchains. 

Metadata is a description of native assets that are stored using identifiers that are not human readable. The human-readable version of this information is stored off the blockchain, in public token registers. The fact of giving the community the possibility of owning and configuring these registries provides total confidence in the data sets, since the users themselves are the owners of the data.

The C64 project began in April 2021 with a proposal in the Catalyst’s FUND5, for a desktop wallet, specially designed to mint NFTs signed and stored 100% on the blockchain.

The idea of ​​the development is to provide a tool for any artist or user to upload assets to the Cardano blockchain in the form of metadata, attached to native assets. In addition, the data will carry an identity seal, so that they can be easily identified from websites, or the artists’ business cards.

The application will allow anyone to create, verify and link identities to digital assets, such as works of art with their authors.

The proposal was financed with USD 6,500, and you can see it here in an article I wrote for AdaPulse.

From Minter to Modular Wallet

The application started as a cross-desktop wallet, but with the arrival of smart contracts, the project evolved towards the creation of a wallet that will be used from the browser to facilitate interaction with websites. A community cross-browser light wallet, with popup format, that supports changing networks and unifying all within the same tool, from the same account, as well as being able to choose your own trusted endpoints.

The development team decided to go one step further and expand the vision and capabilities of the wallet, adapting the initial proposal to a modular wallet, where, starting from a basic functionality, with a user-friendly extension experience, to functionalities, such as support for switch between different networks, the possibility of choosing your trusted endpoints, and being able to add specific use cases in the form of add-ons.

In this way, the wallet improves the user experience, gains versatility and, in addition to being able to mine NFTs, new capabilities can be added that adapt to the advances and new functionalities that the Goguen era brings.

It provides a sovereign, personalized and simplified interaction with the protocol, facilitating the experience of developers by supporting different networks, unifying work environments and customizing terminals.

Work is being done on the adoption of the dcSpark standard connector for interaction with DApps and DeFi services.

The wallet will be of progressive modular extension, which will facilitate the addition of new use cases in the form of addons, by supporting P2P, NFT, Identity and Voting, as addons. 

The ‘C64 Minter’ will be the first add-on.

Thus, the ability to easily add new use cases as addons, and the ability to customize endpoints, will attract more experienced users.

Testnet support and dapps connector integration will appeal to developers.


Phase 0. Duration 2 months – Basic And web development wallet

A. Start the development of the light wallet as a browser extension.

  1. Auro Wallet adaptation. Migrate Javascript to Typescript.
  2. In-memory state for backend side.
  3. Redux for state management in frontend views.
  4. Cross-browser support. Chrome, Brave, Edge and Firefox (tentative).
  5. Local Storage for wallet configuration.
  6. IndexedDb for data persistence and cache.
  7. Multi-lingual support.
  8. Switch-network support for mainnet and testnet from the same account. Use Rxjs to manage events arrays.
  9. Default and customized endpoints for each network, avoiding server saturation.
  10. PIN code security layer.

B. Start landing pages and social media profiles.

  1. Reactjs.
  2. Multi-lingual support.
  3. Server configuration and web deployment. IPFS.
  4. Setup domain / web certificate with Let’s Encrypt & certbot.
  5. Twitter account.

Phase 1. Duration 3 months – Basic functions – Modular architecture and compatibility with Alonzo:

A. Continue the development of the light wallet:

  1. Creation, restoration, modification and deletion accounts.
  2. Send (+ metadata), receive and show transactions (+ metadata).
  3. Choose a stakepool of your choice and delegate.
  4. Design and implement a modular architecture based on plugin. Integrate the first plugin: C64 Minter (signed and 100% on-chain), already funded by the previous proposal, FUND5.

B. Native token support:

  1. Send, receive and show tokens. Alonzo Rust SDK integration from dcSpark (Fund5).

Phase 2. Duration 1 month – Working product:

A. Continue the development of the light wallet:

  1. Configure the default Dandelion endpoints, for compatibility with testnet and mainnet.

B. Community:

  1. Start the ‘NFT on-chain’ incentivized challenge.

C. Sustainability:

  1. Prepare a sustainability plan for the development and maintenance of the wallet. As a complement and alternative to the Catalyst program.


The development team explains that part of the money obtained in the FUND5 will be used in this proposal, for the implementation of more general use of the wallet, thus reducing the costs of this proposal.

In this way they explain that they do not fail to cover all the objectives proposed in the FUND5.

  • Extension wallet: Full Stack Developer USD 40 / h * 252h = USD 10,080
  • Server costs & other technical infrastructure 1 year, website and endpoints = USD 1,500

Total: USD 11,580

The Team

The team has extensive professional experience as full stack developers, processing real-time, mobile apps, sysadmin, devOps, and SPO.

Jaime Caso Onzain, Project Manager. Full-Stack Developer. Emurgo Academy alumnus. Cardano Ambassador. Stake Pool [BOOST] Operator. 


Roberto C. Morano, Consultant and Collaborator. Former DevOps leader at Emurgo. Co-founder of Gimbalabs. Operator / leader of Dandelion. Stake Pool [PEACE] Operator.


Vicente Almonacid, PhD, Advisor. Yoroi-mobile, former R&D Engineer, Emurgo. https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicente-almonacid

Website: https://C64.app

Github: https://github.com/jimcase/C64-Wallet 

If you want to see the proposal in Catalyst: C64 Extension Wallet


# 1 – Build and submit transactions. – Custom endpoints. – Setup cache with indexedDb and upload and process digital assets.

# 2. – Metadata support for transactions. – Frontend: NFT minting + native tokens.

# 3. – Sending native tokens. – Signing transactions using metadata.

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