Cardano in Spanish

Cardano in Spanish

There are 591 million Spanish speakers, in 2021, 7.5% of the world’s population. Almost 493 million people have Spanish as their native language.

The Cervantes Institute It is one of the most important Spanish language study centers in the world, and according to its statistics, Spanish is the second native language in the world by number of speakers, after Mandarin Chinese, and the third language learned after English and Chinese Mandarin.

The number of Spanish speakers will continue to grow over the next five decades. It is estimated that, with this level of growth, in 2060, the United States will be the second Spanish-speaking country in the world, after Mexico. 27.5% of the US population will be of Hispanic origin.

More than 24 million people will study Spanish as a foreign language in 2021. 

Of course the crypto industry is new, Bitcoin is only 13 years old and DeFi has been booming for 4 years.  

Global adoption has grown by more than 2300% since the third quarter of 2019 and more than 881% in the last year. 

In an article published in October 2021 by Chainalysis, the world’s largest forensic firm in the cryptocurrency industry, we can see that information: The 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index Top 20

Among the first 20 countries in the adoption rate Global Cryptocurrencies 2021, there are three Latin American Spanish-speaking countries.

The 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index Top 20

Research suggests that the reasons for this increased adoption differ around the world, as in emerging markets, many turn to cryptocurrencies to preserve their savings against currency devaluation, or send and receiving remittances and conducting business transactions, while adoption in North America, Western Europe, and East Asia, over the past year, has been driven largely by institutional investment. 

Web traffic to P2P platforms grew faster in emerging economies, Central and South Asia, Latin America, and Africa, than regions whose countries tend to have larger economies, such as Western Europe and East Asia.

The 2021 Global Crypto Adoption Index Top 20

According to a global Finder survey, in October 2021, those who said they own cryptocurrencies in Mexico, almost 21% have ADA, placing the country in position 9 of the largest Spanish-speaking holders for this cryptocurrency, very close to ~ 26% from Australia and ~ 25% from Ireland, the countries with the highest per capita adoption rate for Cardano.

Percentage of people who own Cardano, by country

If we analyze global web searches for “Cardano” in Google, in the last 12 months, Spain is the Spanish-speaking country with the highest interest, and is ranked 20th in the global number of countries.

In Cardano, the Spanish-speaking community has a presence. As of this writing, at least 51 stakepools have signed up to Adafolio Cardano Hispano – Latino claiming to be owned by Spanish-speaking SPOs.

The distribution of stakepools relays in the world is also another indication of the participation of the Spanish-speaking community, in Spain and Latin America.

Relays Geographic Distribution

There are several global Telegram groups for the Cardano community in the Spanish language, the most numerous being the Ada – Cardano Spanish with more than 12,400 unique members, the Cardano Trading Español group with 7,900 members, the Official Spanish Cardano with more than 3,000 members, and as many local groups from countries that speak Spanish.

The Proposal for the Spanish-Speaking Community

We know that English is the most widely spoken language in the world, and therefore there is a lot of material available in that language. 

While many people speak English as a learned language, this is not the case for the majority. If we want the adoption of Cardano to be global to achieve inclusion, it is necessary to break down the language barrier to communicate blockchain technology. 

And, as with other languages, content is missing Spanish for Cardano.

The proposal is to provide videos translated into Spanish to educate and keep the Hispanic community informed about the Cardano ecosystem.

Most of the translated content comes from the Youtube channels of Charles Hoskinson, IOHK, Emurgo, and Cardano Foundation, but there is also more Cardano-related content from several different sources, for example, videos by Simon Thompson, or interviews by Charles on others. Youtube channels. 

The Cardano Castellano YouTube Channel started 800 days ago, it has 1,130 videos already published, which means that, on average, 1.4 videos are shared per day, and with a growth in visits: 

  • Total views during 2019: 24,000
  • Total views during 2020: 148,000
  • total views from January to November 2021: 400,000

The material is also published on the Odysee channel Cardano Castellano (at the end is the link).

The channel has a list of videos published for a better user experience: Cardano Castellano Functional Worksheet.

Why Castellano?. Because Spanish is also known as Castellano (Castilian), it is a language originating from Latin, belonging to the Indo-European family of languages, from the Iberian group and originally from Castile, a medieval kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula.

The developer’s proposal is to obtain financing to continue the work that has already been carried out for more than 2 years, which consists of transcription, dubbing, editing and publication of material.

Key Performance Indicators

The growth of the Hispanic community in the Cardano ecosystem will be an indicator to continue working on this proposal in future funds.

  • Continue increasing the number of followers to the Youtube Channel “Cardano Castellano”
  • Continue increasing the number of average views per video
  • Continue increasing the number of viewing hours
  • Number of videos to publish: the goal is to publish a translated video every day, or more (Charles AMAs are cut into multiple parts, so generally more than one video is shared per day.) 
  • Video length: the goal is to always translate full videos with their original length. 

It should be considered that there is a changing dynamic in the existing audience flow, with periodic upward or downward trends, which will affect these KPIs. But overall, you can see a steady increase in the total number of visits to Cardano Castellano’s YouTube channel.


The budget is based on 50 thousand words transcribed per month, during a period of six months, any amount published above that does not increase the required budget.

  • Per word: USD 0.02 (this includes transcription, dubbing, editing, publication)
  • Monthly: 50 thousand words x USD 0.02 = USD 1,000
  • For 6 months = USD 6,000

Requested funds: USD 6,000.

The original videos have an approximate rate of 140 words per minute, this means that around 360 minutes (6 hours) of content in Spanish will be published per month.


The material is easily auditable, since the published videos can be consulted through the YouTube and Odysee channels. In addition, each video has its respective transcript published in the Cardano Forum.

The developer

Seba (Sebastian), “Cardano Castellano”, an active member of the Cardano community since March 2018, is currently Ambassador of the Cardano Foundation, with the role of translator, you can see his profile: Seba Spanish Translator.

The YouTube channel has:

  • More than 1,100 videos already published 
  • More than 8,900 subscribers
  • More than 500,000 reproductions 
  • More than 40,000 hours of total playback time

In addition, there is a written transcription of the translation into Spanish in the Official Forum of Cardano, from all the videos, and that you can see here.

If you are interested, you can see the complete list of Ambassadors who have participated in articles in the Forum, where you can find the developer.

You can watch the video of Charles Hoskinson’s explanation of Cardano, dubbed into Spanish

(Cardano Whiteboard overview with Charles Hoskinson | IOHK 26 Oct 2017)

YouTube Channel:

Osysee Channel: 

You can see the proposal in Ideascale.

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