Stakeboard: A Social Staking Platform

Stakeboard is a Social Staking Platform that will connect Pool Operators (SPO) and delegators in a simple way, to generate knowledge in the delegation ecosystem, Cardano’s PoS, contributing to a network of stakepools more diverse, inclusive and balanced, since the community will know the work of SPOs that today have no visibility.

Currently, almost 12% of ADAs are being delegated to Binance’s 62 stakepools (BNP). About 50% of all ADAs are delegators to just 25 multi-pool owners. 

There are consultation platforms on metrics to determine the expected performance in a certain stakepool. However, this information is only useful for delegators who have a solid understanding of data information. Less savvy delegators are often intimidated because they don’t fully understand what these metrics mean, and these delegators get frustrated when they don’t get the rewards they expect.

Currently, some centralized exchanges offer fixed performance on ADA with easy-to-use platforms. Prudently delegating requires a significant learning curve for delegators, and the lack of tools to foster trust growth in smaller SPOs makes the election process difficult, and thus, it is not surprising that most ADAs are delegated to so few pools.

Currently delegators ADAs should be distributed more widely, both for the health of Cardano’s Stakepool operator community, and for the security of Cardano’s network itself.

Stakeboard: Connects, Rewards and Decentralizes

The three pillars of the proposal are: connecting the parties to consensus, establishing trust in delegation, and promoting decentralization through DeBiz (decentralized business) .

The platform will aggregate all Cardano stakepools in one place, where delegators will be able to run specific searches, based not only on quantitative criteria, but also on their values. 

So if a delegator wants to identify stakepools that align with their values, for example, to support single pool operators, women on blockchain, Cardano developers, charitable causes, and / or other value propositions featured on the platform, they can narrow your search to the right stakepool for them, in seconds. 

On the other hand, it allows the discovery of many scammers who create impostor stakepools, exploiting the goodwill of SPOs and Cardano projects. There are no practical ways to verify statements made by SPOs when they have a purpose, such as being a charitable pool, using renewable energy, operating in a certain location, etc.

Stakeboard will make delegation easier, more informed and more rewarding, promoting decentralization, fostering transparency and trust between SPOs and delegators. 

The Solutions

The team proposes a friendly UI (User Interface), where delegators can search for stakepools by their purposes, consult metrics in a simple way, and ask questions of stakepools operators (SPO).

The Stakeboard functionality will allow delegators to verify the statements of the SPOs. Stakeboard will foster a culture of “trust, but verify” when delegating. 

If a delegator is unsure of the specific claims of a stakepool (for example, that they predominantly use green energy or are owned by a woman on blockchain), the Stakeboard messaging app will allow them to ask the SPO for supporting documentation. And Stakeboard will provide verified stakepools with the ability to upload documents to their profile that demonstrate the veracity of their value propositions.

For stakepool operators, who don’t have a lot of time or money to spend on marketing, Stakeboard will bring some equity to Cardano’s engagement landscape, by giving each SPO a space to present their unique value proposition to the delegating community, along with tools to communicate easily and effectively with your delegators.

To combat the increase in stake pool imposters, Stakeboard will verify, with credentials, stake pool ownership of each SPO, through a protocol made possible by CIP-022 (Cardano Improvement Proposal). 

Furthermore, it will allow SPOs to link their verified stakepools to their authentic social accounts and website. And the team will be able to identify, flag and send alerts to Stakeboard users about any fraudulent stakepool, claiming to be a legitimate project or pool owner, when it is not.

The arrival of the financing model of the Initial Stakepool Offering (ISO) is already beginning to show its potential, and at Stakeboard it will be an engine to boost this potential with DeBiz (decentralized business) products, integrated into the platform.


The budget

  • UX: USD 5,000
  • One full-time engineer for three months (at 50% of accustomed wages): USD 26,000
  • One part-time engineer for three months (at 50% of accustomed wages): USD13,000
  • Cloud hosting: USD 1,500

Requested funds: USD 45,500

The Team

The co-founders are Giovanni Gargiulo and Sebastiaan M.

Giovanni – Co-founder. Senior Software Engineer. 16 years Development Experience – DevOps Advocate – Plutus Pioneer and Stake Pool Operator [EASY1].

Sebastiaan – Co-founder. 16 years Development Experience. Entrepreneur and government contractor for software integrations and solutions – Plutus Pioneer.

Yo can see the rest of the members here.

You can read here the proposal published in Ideascale.

The team has also presented 2 more proposals, which complement this one:

  • Beyond ISOs: SPO-driven Funding
    • Stakepad will offer an improved version of the ISO model that will be of great advantage for any project that tries to carry out an ISO. 
    • Stakestarter will go beyond the ISO model, mixing features from popular platforms like Kickstarter and Patreon and adapting them to work within a delegators PoS funding model. 
  • Defending Cardano Staking Ecosystem:
    • Alice, the Staking Detective: an alert bot about changes in the data and configurations of the stakepools.


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