Cornucopias: The Next Wave of NFTs and Gaming

NFTs have made a meteoric impact on the crypto scene of late. In a scenario almost reminiscent of the 19th century gold rush, prospectors sit at their laptops with baited breath, waiting for the next big drop, all with high hopes of catching that rare prize, a craved collectible that holds the online world hostage by means of its unique attributes. Indeed, NFTs are rapidly becoming known as the keys that may unlock the door to future prosperity. Now imagine that power integrated within a fully immersive game.

Fantasy Island Awaits

For those of you who don’t know, Cornucopias ‘The Island’ is a blockchain based Play-To-Earn, Build-To-Earn, Learn-To-Earn and Stake-To-Earn MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game). The beauty of it being that players can own their own land, along with other NFT based assets that actually have real world value. The vast intricacy of this metaverse must be seen first hand to be believed. In an effort to cater to everyone’s fantasy tastes, ‘The Island’ itself is divided into a number of different themed zones, including the Wild West, Farm Life, as well as the highly compelling Age of The Samurai zone. Players from all walks of life are able to mingle, engaging in a series of mini games where they can earn real world value as they explore, build and develop in this safe and secure online world. In fact, the more creative players can even design their own items, such as coffee tables, beds and any other household furnishings. These can then be minted into an ‘Island Blueprint’, which other players can then buy.

Cornucopias ‘The Island’ brings gaming and real-world commerce together, providing opportunities for traditional ecommerce companies to sell and promote their real-world brands, goods and services to an audience which they may never previously have had access to. The game is available worldwide and is built on the Unreal Engine 5 games engine, compatible with PC, mobile, games consoles and smart TVs alike. ‘The Island’ is powered by NFT’s, as players build upon and own the land, characters, items and real estate. The game will allow community members to own their own NFT shop and allow them to sell their NFT’s, which can only mean great things for the future of the ecosystem. However, smart contracts are needed in order for many of these in game transactions to occur. Which is the reason for Cornucopia’s funding request. Graduates of the Plutus Pioneer Program are required in order to write smart contracts, necessary for the game.

Who is Behind this Endeavour?

The brains behind Cornucopias ‘The Island’ is a man by the name of Robert Greig. A serial entrepreneur, who boasts over 20 years worth of experience in building businesses and software development, across various industries. This highly skilled developer and Business Analyst has a strong corporate background, which allows him to bridge the gap between stakeholders and back office developers. Past achievements include building a real estate monitoring system, and automated cloud API business, one that was sold to one of the largest real estate portals in the UK (Fish4). Rob excels in software planning, development, management, as well as building and mentoring small to medium development teams. It should also be noted that Rob was a member of the original 50 Cardano Project Catalyst, and has been active in the community and Cardano network itself for over a year, having successfully delivered a project in Fund 3. 

However, Rob is not alone in this endeavour, he’s surrounded by a small team of developers, testers and analysts, (nine people to be exact) who’ve previously worked together on many projects. As it stands, Rob is self-funding the project, which requires a huge amount of passion, conviction and dedication, as a guaranteed income is only possible once the game successfully launches. 

The Cost of the Metaverse

Rob and his team are asking for just $42,000 USD to fund the project, which will cover the costs for delivery over a period of just three months. 90% of these funds will  be paid directly to Plutus Pioneer graduates, with the rest being used to integrate the open source software into ‘The Island’ game itself, i.e. planning the mini projects, managing and testing the work produced so far. It’s a win-win situation to put it simply, Plutus graduates will obtain the work for which they’ve trained for and the money goes back into the community. Cornucopias is also looking at building a job agency in the future, in order to connect qualified graduates to other Cardano projects that require certain skills.

What will Success Look Like?

Success will be defined by the game’s popularity primarily, which is currently growing on social media, gaining lots of hype and a great vibe surrounding the project. The hope is to bring over one million gamers to the Cardano network within the first three years of launch, and to continue to recruit new talent from within the community. The Play-To-Earn and Build-To Earn features which ingratiate themselves within the game have the power to change peoples lives in developing countries. The guys have recently teamed up with an education centre that holds virtual lessons in Africa, and the Learn-To-Earn aspect of the game will help this ecosystem grow even further. This is a project that could literally change lives, while providing endless hours of fun while doing so.

“A disruptive gaming revolution is upon us, and Cornucopias ‘The Island’ awaits everyone, come and join in the fun of changing gaming forever!”

Robert Greig

If you’d like to know more information or have questions/comments regarding Cornucopias proposal, check out the link provided:

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