NuFi and Google Wallet: Simplifying the Web3 Single Sign-On Experience

What is Nufi? | NuFi and Google Wallet | AdaPulse

The transition from web 2.0 to web 3.0 represents a significant shift in how users interact with the internet, particularly in terms of authentication processes and identity management. web 2.0 relies on centralized identity providers and single sign-on (SSO) solutions to enable users to access multiple services with one set of login credentials, which streamlines user experience. However, this centralized approach is at odds with the key ethos of decentralization and web 3.0, where blockchain technology and wallets form the backbone of user identity.

The lack of integrated web 2.0 SSO solutions in Cardano and the larger web 3.0 landscape poses a barrier to entry for many users. The current web 3.0 authentication methods often require users to manage complex wallet setups and remember multiple private keys or seed phrases; an experience that’s challenging to users accustomed to the simplicity of web 2.0’s SSO services. This complexity not only hinders the onboarding of new users but also poses a risk of loss of assets due to mismanagement of private keys.

Additionally, the learning curve associated with understanding and securely managing digital wallets can hinder non-technical users. The absence of a seamless transition mechanism between web 2.0 and web 3.0 authentication systems therefore makes it difficult for average users to take advantage of the opportunities presented by Cardano ecosystem.

To bridge this gap, there’s a great need for solutions that can simplify the interaction with web 3.0 technologies without compromising the principles of decentralization. NuFi is making great strides with its innovative approach to web3 accessibility. Their latest development, a web3 Single Sign-On (SSO) service, is designed to streamline the onboarding process for decentralized applications (dApps) on the Cardano blockchain. This service aims to bridge the gap between traditional web2 users and the Cardano ecosystem, without the complexities associated with crypto wallets and seed phrases. In this article, we’ll explore how NuFi is working to provide a gateway to Cardano by integrating social authentication with Google to their wallet.

Overview of the NuFi Wallet

What is Nufi? | NuFi and Google Wallet | AdaPulse

The NuFi wallet is a non-custodial Web3 crypto wallet that offers a comprehensive solution for managing, staking, and securing cryptocurrencies and digital assets across multiple blockchains. It supports a variety of blockchains including Cardano, Ethereum, Solana, and Flow, allowing users to manage their assets in a unified interface. With features like multi-chain staking, an NFT gallery, and the ability to connect to decentralized applications (DApps), NuFi provides a seamless experience for users looking to engage with the crypto ecosystem. The wallet emphasizes security with its non-custodial approach, ensuring users have full control over their private keys and assets. Additionally, it offers convenience through features like stress-free seedless signup and hardware wallet support, making it accessible to both novice and experienced users in the cryptocurrency space.

How NuFi Web3 Single Sign-On with Google Works

NuFi’s Web3 SSO service leverages the familiarity of Google Wallet to create a seamless entry point for users into the world of dApps. By logging in with their Google account, users can instantly access dApps without the need to install additional software or manage a seed phrase. In the background, an invisible crypto wallet is created, granting the user all the benefits of a self-custody wallet without the associated stress.

Features and Benefits:

  • Self-Custody: Users have full control over their private keys and assets, ensuring privacy and security.
  • Multi-Chain Support: The service supports managing assets across different blockchains, providing flexibility and convenience.
  • Stress-Free Onboarding: The seedless signup process eliminates the need for users to write down or remember a seed phrase.
  • Staking Dashboard: Users can stake cryptocurrencies like ADA, FLOW, and SOL directly within the wallet to earn rewards.
  • NFT Gallery: A multi-chain NFT gallery allows users to manage their NFTs from various chains in one place.
  • DApp Directory: An integrated DApp directory helps users discover and connect to new decentralized services.

To leverage NuFi’s SSO solution, you can follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to a dApp and choose a social account to log in with (or get a one-time code by email)
  2. Upon logging in, NuFi creates an invisible crypto wallet linked to the user’s Google account behind the hood (using Web3Auth and NuFi wallet technology) and the user is connected to the dApp in a matter of seconds
  3. Once connected, you can confirm dApp transactions, manage assets, swap tokens and buy ADA using a wallet widget embedded inside the dApp.

This approach not only streamlines the login process but also lowers the entry barrier for users new to the crypto space. NuFi places a high priority on security and privacy. The invisible wallet is a non-custodial solution, meaning users retain full control over their assets without NuFi ever having access. Additionally, the integration adheres to strict privacy standards, ensuring user data remains confidential. For a deeper dive into the solution and how it works, watch the SSO prototype presentation below:

NuFi’s Single-Sign On Solution Roadmap

The NuFi team has been developing the NuFi Web3 SSO solution and released a beta version for testing in January 2024. In the beta version, only core functionalities are implemented in the wallet widget. Users can view their balances for both ADA and Cardano tokens balances (fungible and non-fungible). You also get access to the NFT gallery and can confirm the flow of all dApp transactions. While using the wallet, you can view your Cardano addresses and copy to clipboard when needed.

NuFi invited users to test the beta version experience a few weeks back, and you can reach out to them if interested in this early release:

With the recent community approval and project success in Fund 11, NuFi will enhance the Web3 SSO from a beta version to a full product with a broad range of functionalities. The table below provides a structured overview of the project’s goals and deliverables for each milestone.

Milestone DeliverablesAcceptance Criteria
Milestone 1– Integrate Cardano DEX aggregator
– Integrate fiat on/off-ramp
– Enable seed phrase backup functionality
Functionality works properly inside the wallet widget
Seed phrase backup and restore works as expected
Milestone 2– Refactor SDK for customizations
– Create customizations and basic statistics dashboard
– Add asset management functionality
Customization dashboard functions properly
Milestone 3– Optimize widget for mobile web-dapps
– Research and prepare PoC for mobile apps widget
Onboarding is seamless
Wallet widget is easy to use on mobile devices
Milestone 4– Create documentation and collect feedback
– Create how-to docs for users and deelopers
– Collect feedback via social media campaign
– Collect feedback from dApp
– Make improvements based on feedback
Feedback from dApps and users is collected
Improvements made to the solution

NuFi’s Google Wallet project has requested a total of ₳295,053 in funding from Project Catalyst. This funding is intended to transition the service from a beta version to a full product with a broad range of functionalities, including the ability to swap Cardano tokens, purchase ADA, and manage assets directly within dApps, as outlined in the project roadmap. The project is partially open source, with certain components available for community collaboration and improvement.

The Team Behind the Project

The project is spearheaded by Michal Petro, who is the project lead. The team is working as an entity and has proposed a four-month timeline for completing the project that’s in active development. The team comprises of Lubos Svolik as the Project Manager, Rafael Korbaš as the CTO. The engineering team consists of Kamil Džurman, Peter Benc, and Gabriel Kerekeš who are all full-stack developers. Richard Izip and Andrej Želonka will be working on the UX/UI design elements of the project while Ben Goldie rounds up the team as their community manager.

The NuFi wallet team has extensive experience in Web3 Auth technologies and wallet products alongside a proven track record of delivering solutions for the Cardano community, including:

  • Created NuFi wallet, a Cardano-first Web3 wallet that supports six chains.
  • Created AdaLite wallet, the first lightweight wallet on the Cardano blockchain.
  • Completed a Project Catalyst Fund9 proposal which added Ethereum and Milkomeda C1 support to NuFi wallet.
  • Previous experience in developing Cardano firmware for Ledger and Trezor hardware wallets.

Final thoughts

Single Sign-On (SSO) with Web 2.0 solutions is set to help users easily onboard into Web 3.0 wallets. The integration of SSO simplifies the process by allowing users to use existing credentials from Web 2.0 identity providers to access their Web 3.0 wallets. This approach reduces friction by eliminating the need for users to create and remember new login information for Web 3.0 wallets. Through social authentication with common providers such as Google, users can experience a familiar authentication process while maintaining control over their wallets.

With the integration of Google Wallet and the development of the Web3 SSO service, NuFi will provide users a smoother transition from traditional web platforms to decentralized applications. The SSO solution makes the adoption of Cardano more accessible to a broader audience and plays a pivotal role in the transition to a more inclusive and user-friendly Web3 ecosystem.

For more information about NuFi’s Single Sign-On solution, you can visit their official website or check out their Fund 11 proposal on Project Catalyst.

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