Pool Operators propose Software as a Service (SaaS) for Cardano

The aim of this project is to provide readily available and scalable software infrastructure (APIs/SDKs) for developers to build on top of the Cardano blockchain, reducing time and cost. Currently, developers need to deploy infrastructure to communicate with Cardano, a system which hinders the development of new ideas. Developer APIs are paramount for getting real-world usage. Consequently, to make Cardano the world’s financial operating system, there is a need for easy to use and scalable APIs to build more applications and attract more users. 

The first step when developing on Cardano is to install a Cardano node and other dependencies such as Cardano DB Sync, Cardano GraphQL, Cardano Wallet. This requires infrastructure management and other time consuming tasks such as operating system management and patching. The costs can add up to $1,000 per month, which can discourage developers from building their ideas or growing their products.

Tango will provide a suite of high-availability APIs and developer tools (SDKs) for fast and reliable access to the Cardano network that requires only minutes to integrate. These will ultimately lower the entry barriers for development on Cardano by providing reliable infrastructure and easy to use APIs. 

These tools will allow developers and enterprises to focus on building their business model and growing next-generation software without worrying about infrastructure and operational responsibilities. The platform will include a free subscription for developers to start building their ideas immediately.

Tango, which will sit on top of Cardano, and will offer the HTTP API, notify, monitor, query composer and data stream. The communication layer which will provide access through REST, webhooks, websockets, email, mobile push notifications, Kafka streams and AWS kinesis data streams. Additionally, the application layer will empower developers to communicate with Cardano through JS SDK, iOS SDK, Android SDK, Kafka sink connectors and kinesis consumers.

Tango’s Team

The team behind this proposal has experience in different technologies including backend, web and mobile development, distributed systems and databases, Cloud Architecture and Big Data. The members are the Stake Pool Operators (SPO) of the pool TANGO and the developers of cardano-wallet-js. 

The team comprises of Javier Toledo Cordova as the product manager, Leobel Izquierdo as full stack developer, Manuel Morejon Espinosa as DevOps, Hector Raul Perez Lugo as tech lead and solutions architect, Juan Manuel Menendez as the front-end developer, Evelio González Maqueira as iOS developer and Omar Mainegra as the Android developer. 

Each member of the team has more than 5 years’ experience in their respective fields, with Javier Toledo Cordova having more than 10 years of experience in technology and specializing in software architecture and cloud computing.

Requested Budget

Tango is requesting funding of $60,000. The funds will be used to take care of the salaries of the team members for a period of three months, split up in the following manner.

  • 1 Backend Developer: ($3000/mo. x3 months: $9000)
  • 1 Frontend Developer: ($3000/mo. x3 months: $9000)
  • 1 Technical Project Lead: ($3000/mo. x3 months: $9000)
  • 1 Systems administrator/DevOps: ($3000/mo. x3 months: $9000)
  • 1 IOS developer: ($3000/mo. x2 month: $6000)
  • 1 Android developer: ($3000/mo. x2 month: $6000)
  • 1 Designer: ($2000/mo. x1 month: $2000)

The project will also require funds to deploy the API in 3 regions around the world to provide high availability and disaster recovery capabilities. The remaining $10,000 will be used to take care of this.

Closing Thoughts

Tango’s proposal seeks to solve an issue that is affecting Cardano and the ability of developers to build apps on the platform. The time-consuming and costly task of deploying infrastructure to communicate with Cardano is among the reasons why the blockchain has had trouble attracting NFT projects, which have greatly changed the blockchain and cryptocurrency space in the last year. The proposal is headed by a strong team of experienced individuals, with proven developments in the form of Tango stake pool and cardano-wallet-js. This is one proposal to look out for and follow its progress through Project Catalyst.

If you’d like to know more information or have questions/comments regarding the Cardano SaaS proposal, check out the link provided: https://cardano.ideascale.com/a/dtd/Software-as-a-Service-for-Cardano/366977-48088

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